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随链坠附送镀铑项链。Complemented with a rhodium plated chain.

男孩子们穿上整洁的衣服算是十全十美了。The boys were complemented on their neat turn-out.

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还有岸上的活动与船上的课程相配合。Sea-bound classes will be complemented by onshore activities.

礼乐相辅最终的目的是为了使“礼”得以实现。The ultimate goal was to make the ceremony to be complemented.

内部饰以核桃木楼板和核桃木板墙。Inside, the walnut floors are complemented by walnut paneled walls.

合肥用水的缺口就是依靠淠史杭灌区填补。The gap between the supply and demand is complemented by the waters here.

柯克雷尔那特意鲁利亚的红漆得到了马瑟白漆的补充。Cockerell's Etruscan red paint is complemented by Mather's brilliant white.

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霍利之所以成功是因为她补充了公司创始人的能力结构。Castillo Holley succeeded because she complemented the founders' skill sets.

黑,压纹小牛皮带辅之以一个不锈钢挡板。The black, embossed calfskin band is complemented by a stainless steel bezel.

这些搭档无论进攻还是防守都能完美互补。All of these duos complemented each other perfectly in both attack and defence.

但他的竞争欲还得有一定程度的同情心做补充。However, his desire for competition has to be complemented with a degree of compassion.

律典与其他形式的法律,是分工协调、诸法并用、相辅相成的关系。Lüdian coordinated and complemented other forms of law, each with its own jurisdiction.

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这些措施通来常补充或代替已经到位措施。These measures often complemented or substituted for support measures already in place.

柑橘和梨子的味道在轻柔的花香味中尤为清香、独特。Bright fruit characters of citrus and pear aromas are complemented by soft floral notes.

财政政策战略需要辅以促进增长的结构性改革措施。Fiscal policy strategies need to be complemented by growth-enhancing structural reforms.

相反,他站在普京的角度补充了作品缺陷方面的细节,并表示将纠正错误。Instead, he complemented Putin on his eye for detail and said he would correct the mistake.

我们的军队是我们的安全基石,但是他们还需要其他因素的补充。Our Armed Forces willalways be a cornerstone of our security,but they must be complemented.

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口感清新,酸味柔顺,百里香、月桂树叶和青苹果的味道补充了原有的花香和果味。The floral and fruity notes are complemented by nuances of thyme, bay leaf and green apple.

我们的武装部队将永远是我们安全的基石,但这支部队必须得到支持辅助。Our Armed Forces will always be a cornerstone of our security, but they must be complemented.

木的单纯辅之以淡蓝与墨绿,更能突出温馨感受。The simple wood complemented by light blue and dark green, to better highlight the warm feelings.