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这是积极的东西。So it's a proactive thing.

对此,你必须要主动。You have to be proactive about this.

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中国考虑退出经济刺激政策。China mulls exit of proactive fiscal policy.

老师并不下最后通牒。A proactive teacher doesn't deliver ultimatums.

我们希望您的主动精神和积极主动。We want you to show initiative and be proactive.

但忧虑窃取了你积极主动的权利。But worry robs you of your power to be proactive.

最好的求职者从来不坐等其成,而是主动出击。The best jobseekers are proactive and don’t wait.

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但你必须主动找到它们。But you really have to be proactive and find them.

这就是我所说的信息的提前使用的意思。This is what I mean by proactive use of the information.

它们一定是地球上最具忧患意识的土著人。They must be the most proactive indigenous people on earth.

相反,您会希望使用前置合并的方法。Instead, you will want to use the proactive merging approach.

积极主动地与老客户联系,了解你能为他们做些什么。Be proactive and ping past clients about what you can do for them.

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他们具有前瞻性,并且会仔细斟酌所得的成果。They are proactive and consider seriously the results they achieve.

主动的沟通是并行工程的重要方面。Proactive interface is a important aspect of concurrent engineering.

我们必须研拟一个前摄的性的行动计画对抗恐怖攻击。We have to develop a proactive action plan against Terrorist Threat.

对自己的健康问题,妇女们需要更积极主动。Women need to be proactive about their health care, " Alderman says.

而好的企业家,往往积极思考。And it is amazing that the very best entrepreneurs are very proactive.

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但是,你可以积极主动地方法以避免那些个不眠之夜。But you can take some proactive steps to prevent those sleepless nights

上面的大多数情况都可以通过在循环早期提前操作而避免。Much of the above can be avoided by being proactive early in the cycle.

长远的眼光和积极的方式能助你避免跳入这种陷阱。Your vision, and a proactive approach, can help you avoid this pitfall.