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因此,皮肤变得坚韧。Because of this, the skin becomes leathery.

她的皮都有皱纹了,我真是忌妒!She's all leathery and wrinkled. I'm so jealous!

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皮肤呈焦状或皮革状也是常见现象。Charring or a leathery appearance are also common.

里面漂浮着一个皮球样皮质物体。Floating inside was a leathery ball-shaped object.

他们是一个人形种族,皮肤粗糙得像革一样,头上没有头发。They are a humanoid species with coarse, leathery skin and bald heads.

老头扭曲的皮革似的脸上浮现出一种深深的忧伤。The expression on the creased, leathery face was one of profound sadness.

加州常绿野生李属植物,多刺革质树叶,白色花冠。California evergreen wild plum with spiny leathery leaves and white flowers.

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不管怎样说,X100的高贵,经典的皮革设计是无可匹敌的。No matter how, X100's elegant, classic leathery design is totally unbeatable.

然后把每个粉色皮革般坚韧的蒜瓣切开,露出里面的蒜肉。Then he cut each pink, leathery clove in half, exposing the fleshy center buds.

他眼角爬满了皱纹、无须的脸亦如皮革般坚韧。His clean-shaved face was leathery too, with wrinkles at the corners of his eyes.

皮肤本身会显得粗糙,象皮革一样坚韧,或是松驰下垂--这都是因为阳光。Skin itself can look rough and leathery or loose and slack — all thanks to the sun.

假孩子将它那皮革般的头转过来,看着他离去,眼睛里没有任何特别的关心。The false child turned its leathery head to watch him go, with no particular interest.

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她是一个白发苍苍满脸皱纹的老女士,不过她做的复活节道具在整个纽约北部是最有名的。She was a leathery old lady whose Halloween displays were the best in Upstate New York.

色斑、皱纹、皮肤下垂、橘子皮皮肤以及毛细血管破裂。Signs can include dark spots, wrinkles, droopy and leathery skin and broken blood vessels.

病人心脏的调节血液流出的主阀变的硬化,坚韧和收缩。The main valve regulating blood flow out of the heart gets stiff, leathery and constricted.

他可以感觉他的手碰触他的脸,但是他却摸到了蜥蜴一般的皮肤。He could feel his hand touch his face, but he was covered in leathery lizard like skin instead.

布莱克本特工站在托尼身边,头盔已经摘下,皮革般的褐色皮肤上汗水闪闪发亮。Agent Blackburn was next to him, his helmet off, leathery brown skin gleaming with perspiration.

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木乃伊的皮肤也经过处理,面部甚至显示出皮革的的质感。The skin of the mummies has also been treated andappears leathery with preserved facial features.

带有浓郁的红果实的香气,并带有烟熏、烘烤类及轻微的皮革香气。A lot of red fruit in the nose, combined with smoky and roasted flavours. Gamey and leathery notes.

还有一只覆盖硬皮的蝙蝠样生物,翼展开有四英尺宽,还带一个末端分开像是三叉戟样的尾巴。A leathery bat-like creature with a four foot wingspan and a tail that ended in a three-pointed barb.