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你的女朋友也是科尔多瓦的吗?And your girlfriend's also from Cordoba?

对方角球,佐拉主罚,科尔多巴在远端头取解围。Zola takes, Cordoba heads clear at the far post.

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这一点我们在宗教法庭时期安达鲁西亚和科尔多瓦的历史上看得很清楚。We see it in the history of Andalusia and Cordoba during the Inquisition.

但是在比赛中由于伤病,他们失去了斯内德和科尔多巴。By that stage they had already lost Wesley Sneijder and Ivan Cordoba to injury.

我把凯文妻子心爱的BMW摩托车还给她,然后从考度巴乘飞机回家。I was to give Kev 's wife Julia back her beloved BMW and would fly home from Córdoba.

“一年半的协作很重要,”科尔多巴肯定地说。"Working together for a year and a half has certainly been important, " admitted Cordoba.

我从来不烧饭,妈妈会在科尔多巴和布宜诺斯艾利斯烧给我吃,因为我经常带着她和我一起走。My mom cooks in Cordoba , and sometimes also in Buenos Aires, because I bring her with me.

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戴尔嘎多最出名的实验,是1963年在西班牙哥多华的一处公牛养殖场进行的。Delgado's most famous experiment took place in 1963 at a bull-breeding ranch in Cordoba , Spain.

埃姆雷和科尔多巴进行了一系列单独训练,主要是身体练习。Emre and Cordoba followed a separate training programme this morning, focusing on athletic exercises.

巴兰多突破科尔多巴的防守后摔倒在国际米兰的禁区,幸运的是裁判不予理会。Brandao wins a duel with Cordoba then falls over in the Nerazzurri box and is lucky not to get booked.

在麦德林举行的葬礼上,亲友们抬着安娜·法布里西亚·科尔多瓦的棺材。The coffin of Ana Fabricia Cordoba is carried by relatives and friends during her funeral in Medellin.

我足够幸运的和很多斗士并肩作战,像贝尔戈米、帕柳卡、萨莫拉诺、巴乔和科尔多巴。I've been lucky enough to play with many champions like Bergomi, Pagliuca, Zamorano, Baggio and Cordoba.

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把一个复杂的优雅休闲,一天到一天编织换股大手提包科尔多瓦装备。Bring a sophisticated elegance to a casual, day-to-day outfit with the Cordoba Woven Convertible Large Tote.

布宜诺斯艾利斯市中心区图片。职工们在金融区十字路口的科尔多瓦大道和佛罗里达大道等候越过街道。Workers in the financial district at the intersection of Avenida Cordoba and Florida wait to cross the street.

西班牙南部一城市,位于科尔多瓦东北偏东部。是铅矿和银矿中心。人口51,800。A city of southern Spain east-northeast of Córdoba. It is a center for lead and silver mining. Population, 51,800.

莱切进攻,科尔多巴在与皮纳尔迪的一对一较量中胜出并将球破坏出界。Ivan Cordoba wins a duel with Pinardi then brings the ball out of the Nerazzurri box to neutralise a Lecce attack.

这个地区有壮观的摩尔式建筑,包括塞维利亚、格拉纳达和科尔多瓦等一些历史古镇。The area Contains magnifiCent Moorish arChiteCture, inCluding the historiC towns of Seville, Granada, and Córdoba.

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从科尔多巴到南部沿海城市加的斯,全长234公里的第2赛段是环西班牙自行车大赛中最长的一个赛段。At 234km from Cordoba t0 the southern coastal city of Cadiz, the second stage was the longest of the Tour 0f Spain.

曼哈顿区主席斯科特斯特林格是许多政治和宗教领袖支持谁科尔多瓦楼。Manhattan Borough president Scott Stringer is among many political and religious leaders who support Cordoba House.

圣菲省的收获进度达57%,科尔多瓦省达48%,布宜诺斯艾利斯省达30%。The Santa Fe region harvest was 57 percent complete with Cordoba reporting 48 percent and Buenos Aires at 30 percent harvested.