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也许有人拿错了。Maybe someone mistook it.

他把我错认成我姐姐了。He mistook me for my sister.

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你完全弄错了达西先生的意思。You quite mistook Mr. Darcy.

我把她错认成了她的妹妹。I mistook her for her sister.

他把她误认作他姐姐了。He mistook her for her sister.

我错把他认成了他的哥哥。I mistook him for his brother.

我把那根棒子错看成蛇了。I mistook the stick for a snake.

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你完全误解了我的意思。You mistook my meaning entirely.

他们错把他当成经理了。They mistook him for the manager.

他把那根棍子错当成蛇了。He mistook that stick for a snake.

她误以为这所房子是旅馆。She mistook the house for a hotel.

对不起,我把你误当作我的一位朋友。I’m sorry. I mistook you for a friend of mine.

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最后他们发现威廉和潞西互相带错了彼此的眼镜。William and Lucy mistook each other's glasses.

不好意思,我错认你是我的一个朋友。I'm sorry , I mistook you for a friend of mine.

一般时间里,人们误认为他是一个拉罗奇分子。Half the time, people mistook himfor a LaRouchian.

起初他们把偿付问题当成流动性问题处理。They initially mistook a solvency problem for a liquidity one.

他把我当作他多年不见的老朋友了。He mistook me for his old friend whom he hadn't seen for years.

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有人当它是凤梨与芭乐,两样不同的水果。Someone mistook it as two different fruits, pineapple and guava.

郡长误把罗宾汉当做盖伊,以为他杀死了罗宾汉。The sheriff mistook Robin for Guy, thinking he had killed Robin.

琼玛,亚瑟所爱的女孩,误以为亚瑟是懦夫。Then Gemma, the girl Arthur loved, mistook Arthurfor the recreant.