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结构化知识非历经数年苦功不可得This structured knowledge is built by years of effortful study

训练不仅要持续,而且要努力。Your training has to be not only consistent, but also effortful.

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还有一些消息指出,专注学习或许也能帮助一些病患。Anecdotal accounts suggest that effortful learning may also help some patients.

“你从来就不多唱几句,”她又说,冲我微笑一下,显得牵强而痛苦。“You never sing enough, ” she added. Her smile to me was effortful and pinched.

我记得开始的时候有点慢,而且感觉有点吃力。I remember the sessions starting kind of slowly, and that the feeling was a bit effortful.

理论很简单,实践起来却需要付出努力,但你所收获的成果,也是这个世界上最有价值、最有意义的。Simple in theory, effortful in practice, and the most valuable, meaningful commodity in the world.

具有成为专家潜质的人不仅需要刻苦学习,她还必须将这个过程长一间地持续下去。Not only a will-be expert must do effortful study, she must do it consistently for long, long period of time.

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他们认为这意味着诚实可能是人类的“底线”——我们的大脑可能发现诚实要比不诚实来的更轻松。They interpret this to mean that honesty may be a human ‘baseline’ – our brains might find it more effortful to be dishonest than honest.

即便是新手刚开始也会努力钻研,这是为什麽初学者在学打高尔夫球或开车时进步神速。Even the novice engages in effortful study at first, which is why beginners so often improve rapidly in playing golf, say, or in driving a car.

因此,在研究情绪调节与社会能力的关系时有必要将努力控制与冲动性分开。Therefore, it's necessary to separate Effortful Control and Impulsivity when exploring the relations of Emotion Regulation and Social Competence.

对严重的情绪受控者来说,越是努力关注参与的活动,越会频繁地感到无聊”。For a high mood monitor, engaging in an activity will require an effortful maintenance of attention, resulting in more frequent feelings of boredom.

首先,我要衷心感谢马佳丽多年以来为实现研究院的目标而做出的艰辛努力和卓越的贡献!First of all I would like to thank Ma for her long-lasting, effortful and successful work for the aims of the German Chinese Academy for Psychotherapy.

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理论上,当下的研究结果说明通过潜意识的强化训练,效果可能更加切实有效。On a practical level, the present results suggest a means by which perceptual training regimens might be made markedly more efficient and less effortful.

华辰玻璃有限公司在“团结、求实、拼搏、进取”的企业精神旗帜的指引下,不断探索,勇创未来。With the flag of the enterprise, s spirits—be united, realistic, effortful and progressive leading, Huachen is pioneering the future constantly and bravely.

试误学习被认为是一种更加有效的认知编码过程,在试误学习中大脑能够构建非常丰富的连接和关联以达到正确的目标信息。TEL is considered a more effortful cognitive encoding process where the brain has to "scaffold" its way to making richer associations and linkages in order to reach the correct target information.