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命运瞬息万变,令人目眩。Fortunes change with dizzy abruptness.

他以粗鲁的态度来掩饰内心的感情。He hid his feelings behind a gruff abruptness.

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他们的鲁莽和不讲道德令我们恶心。Their abruptness and improbability made us sick.

我觉得你下午的粗鲁行为对西蒙造成了伤害。I think Simon was hurt by your abruptness this afternoon.

她在会议上的突然出现使我们都吃了一惊。The abruptness of her appearance at the meeting surprised us all.

亲爱的,原谅我的直白和莽撞,对于我的琐细请不要介意。My dear, forgive for my abruptness and frankness, forget my triviality please.

不久,麦尔布礼太太带着有些惊慌而意外的神情走上楼来。By and by Mrs. Melbury came upstairs with a slight air of flurry and abruptness.

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视频信号具有时变性、非线性和突发性等特点。VBR video signal has the character such as nonlinear, time change and abruptness etc.

我们所认知的「突然」取决于我们用来观察这些过程的时间尺度。Our perception of abruptness depends on the timescale we use to observe these processes.

事变是发展得这样快,以至使很多人感到突然,感到要重新学习。Events are developing so swiftly that many feel the abruptness of the change and the need to learn anew.

结果表明了陡峭地形和不规则海岸线对局地风场和湍流场影响很大。The results indicate that abruptness terrain and irregular coasts greatly affect the local wind fields and turbulence fields.

他们望着刚才下来的那座小山,只见丛林密布,从远处望去益发显得陡峭,真是个美丽的地方。The hill, crowned with wood, from which they had descended, receiving increased abruptness from the distance, was a beautiful object.

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于是,“以非我之日月,误而任我之唐突可也,以非我者之才情,而供我之挥霍可也。”"Thus, " non-self to the sun and the moon, misuse any of my abruptness may also, in not my person of talent, and for it I can also splurge.

超新星很容易就可解释此一突然转变,因为星系中第一波形成的恒星,只要几百万年内就会产生爆炸。Supernovae would naturally account for this abruptness , as the first wave of stars to form in a galaxy will explode within just a few million years.

纽曼唐突和直截了当的方式掩盖了道义上强大的特点,配有一个天生的诚实和强大的直观意义上的正确和错误的。Newman's abruptness and straightforward manner mask a morally robust character, equipped with an innate honesty and a strong intuitive sense of right and wrong.

难能可贵的是,这些动作都能和当时的环境完美地融合在一起,一点也不显唐突,并且趣味盎然。Commendable is, these movements can be mixed the environment at that time is perfect ground confluence is together, show not at all abruptness , and interest is full.

赤潮是一种由多因素综合作用引发的生态异常现象,具有突发性及非线性等特点。对其进行预测预报一直是海洋科学研究的热点。Red tide is an anomalous ecological phenomenon and is characterized by abruptness and nonlinearity, so the red tide prediction has been a hotspot in the oceanographic studies.

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能体现女主人品位的重要一笔,还包括安排在一旁的壁炉,虽然在南方,但白色的壁炉丝毫不显得唐突。Can reflect the important trait of goodwife grade, still include arrangement to be in aside fireplace, although be in southern, but fireplace a bit of white does not appear abruptness.