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据说他听到了风声。Supposedly he was tipped off.

那应该是很令人兴奋的经历。It is supposedly a thrilling experience.

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相传这里曾是远古时期德鲁伊的家园。Supposedly this was an ancient Druid site.

估计我们需要花一周的时间去调整适应它。Supposedly it takes about a week to adjust to it.

在犹他州不要这样做,这种行为在那里是非法的。Don’t do it in Utah, where it’s supposedly illegal.

虽然致死,但是灰死病据称并不疼痛。Though mortal, greyscale was supposedly not painful.

出于这个原因,可以推测价格不会下降。For this reason, prices can supposedly never go down.

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据称,中国政府也希望费甘那样做。The Chinese government supposedly wanted it that way.

想来这块斑斑点点白乎乎的东西是洛林糕?。That blobby, white thing is supposedly quiche lorraine?

据称他也曾令政府工作人员给该名女性打电话。He also supposedly asked state workers to ring the woman.

议会辩论可能会露出马脚。Parliamentary debate would supposedly give the game away.

据称,她是被捕获者用黄金链铐带入罗马。Her captors supposedly led her into Rome on a golden chain.

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是他们洗澡的地方,据说还有鳄鱼出没。and one of their bathtubs, there's supposedly an alligator.

虽然亨利名义上已经退休,但他一定也不喜欢这个计划。Henry, who was supposedly retired, also retched at the idea.

今天是峰会的最后一天,也是据称将迎来会议高潮的一天。It is the final, supposedly climactic day of the conference.

这个假想而虚构的地方被昵称为“科尔特尔地狱”。The supposedly imaginary place was nicknamed "Colter's Hell".

八仙洞里的其中三仙应该也来过这里。Three of the gods from the caves supposedly came here as well.

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现在我们讨论的据说是索爱的下一个大事件。What we have here is supposedly Sony Ericsson's next big thing.

弗林斯-贝肯鲍尔大概以前也是这样激励球员的。Franz Beckenbauer supposedly used to motivate like that as well.

“每个人生活中都有一张万事达卡”。Now supposedly ‘for everything else in life there’s a MasterCard’.