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詹姆士医生给玛格纳斯带了什么礼物?What "gift" does Dr. James Watson bring for Magnus?

特外特恩,是这个种子库计画的经理。Magnus Bredeli Tveiten is the vault's project manager.

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“我们知道玛格努斯有很高的天赋,”奥莱告诉曼联电视。"We know Magnus is a talented player, " Ole told MUTV.

他要海伦。玛格纳斯对他的尸体进行解剖。He wants Helen Magnus to perform an autopsy on his body.

还是找曼克奈斯和台力克太太去商量吧。It might be as well to consult Magnus and Mrs . Derrick.

根据马格纳斯说的,这生物特殊在哪里?According to Magnus , what's so special about this creature?

玛格纳斯如何描述她父亲在十九世纪创下的事业?How does Magnus describe her father's nineteenth-century career?

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曼克奈斯独来独往,不见客人,连家里人也避尔不见。Magnus kept to himself seeing no visitors avoiding even his family.

阿尔伯特讨论了在德波诺艺术和他对亚里士多德的评论。Albertus Magnus discusses the art in De Bono and his commentary on Aristotle.

曼克奈斯就在他念的当儿,听见了自己的名字。It was in the course of his reading that Magnus caught the sound of his name.

海德曼曾经代表瑞典国家队出场58次,参加了2000年欧洲杯和2002年世界杯。Magnus played in the 2000 European Championships and 2002 World Cup. He has 58 caps.

马格努斯-海德已经同意了切尔西俱乐部提出的到赛季末结束的合同。Magnus Hedman has agreed terms with Chelsea Football Club until the end of the season.

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这种球在飞行中发生水平位移的现象一般被称为“马格纳斯效应”。This lateral deflection of a ball in flight is generally known as the "Magnus effect".

马格纳斯告诉VOA记者,空间站内的生活让她对地球有了新的认识。Magnus told VOA that living in orbit has given her newfound appreciation for the Earth.

在“安魂曲”这集中,海伦。马格纳斯和威尔。齐默曼乘坐潜水艇寻访了百慕大魔鬼三角。In "Requiem, " Helen Magnus and Will Zimmerman visit the Bermuda Triangle in a submarine.

第二天,普瑞斯莱驾车送曼克奈斯到瓜达哈拉去搭火车上旧金山。The following day Presley drove Magnus over to Guadalajara to take train for San Francisco.

升力是指向上或横向的力,产生马格纳斯效应。The lift force is the upwards or sidewards force that is responsible for the Magnus effect.

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但是Magnus仍然警告称,目前断言火山喷发已经完全结束还为时过早。But Magnus still may warn that it was too early to say that the eruption was completely over.

后腿大收肌使股骨延伸,并帮助脚稳定地落于地板上。The back-leg adductor magnus extends the thigh bone and helps stabilize the foot on the floor.

他想真正爬上他父亲那有名无实的地位——做到曼克奈斯没有做到的事。He wanted to be, in fact, what his father was only in name -to succeed where Magnus had failed.