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某些银行现已开始解除控制。Some banks have already started to deregulate.

缩减税收和消费,私有化,接触管制。Cut taxes and spending, privatize, and deregulate.

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包括航空业和货车运输业在内的若干行业已开始解除管制。Some industries,including airlines and trucking have already started to deregulate.

这些公司的成长得益于一项2009年通过的法律,该法律原意是放开旅游市场,提供配备司机的旅游车。Their growth was unleashed by a 2009 law, originally meant to deregulate the chauffeured-car tourist market.

当时,华盛顿不断敦促北京让人民币升值并放松对市场的管制。Back then, Washington was constantly urging Beijing to let the yuan rise in value and to deregulate its markets.

一年前,美国政府一直向中国政府施压允许人民币升值,并放松市场管制.Back then, Washington was constantly harrying Beijing to let the yuan rise in value and to deregulate its markets.

来自高盛的鲁宾帮助解除了对金融行业的管制,并因此在花旗银行发财。Rubin, who came from Goldman Sachs, helped deregulate the financial industry and got rich at Citibank from the results.

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同时,撤销对农业领域的管制,这将催生新的就业岗位,发展日本农村处于困境中的商业。It should also deregulate the agricultural sector, which could create new jobs and businesses in hard-pressed rural Japan.

回顾过去,克林顿政府对于放松金融监管的措施明显地过于轻率。In retrospect, it’s clear that the Clinton administration went along too easily with moves to deregulate the financial industry.

格林斯潘在1987年上任初的新政之一就是恳请国会松开对金融服务交易的管制并移除“格拉斯-斯蒂格尔法”。One of Greenspan’s initial acts in 1987 was to petitionCongress to deregulate the financial services trade and remove theGlass-Steagall Act.

他们在申请信息时代技术规则使用时,使用了企业私有化,自由化,解除管制这样的词。They use the words privatize , liberalize, and deregulate when advocating the rules for applying information age technologies to businesses.

他们建议中国应该进一步减少对于经济的干预,允许人民币升值,另外,依托市场的力量缓解通过膨胀。They have suggested that China should further deregulate itseconomy, let the renminbi appreciate and otherwise rely on market forces totame inflation.

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可以说几乎从2003年上台开始,他就一直致力于要各国领导人削减财政赤字,放宽监管措施已鼓励企业家精神的成长和经济增长。Almost since taking office in 2003, he has been badgering leaders to cut their budget deficits and deregulate to encourage entrepreneurship and growth.

他们建议中国政府进一步对经济放松管制,允许人民币升值,或者,依靠市场力量去驯服通胀。They have suggested that China should further deregulate its economy, let the renminbi appreciate and otherwise rely on market forces to tame inflation.

据悉,自民党在这个时候提出不信任案也许跟菅直人最近想撤销对能源工业的管制以及缩减核能的重要性有关。Some suspect the timing of the no-confidence vote may be linked to Mr Kan's recent calls to deregulate the energy industry and scale down the importance of nuclear power.

同时,对直接金融要进一步放松管制,鼓励金融中介发展,调整结构,以提高银行绩效。At the meantime, in order to increase the bank performances, we should deregulate further the indirect finance, encourage financial instruments, and adjust the structures.

在2005年,委员会采纳了四项原则来处理网络中立以用于撤销对电信公司提供互联网服务的限制。In 2005, the commission adopted four broad principles relating to the idea of network neutrality as part of a move to deregulate the Internet services provided by telephone companies.

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日本开放赌场还可能会给外国赌场经营者带来巨大机遇,因为日本公司几乎都不具备经营大规模赌场所必需的专业技能。Japan's initiative to deregulate casinos comes as Macao outruns the Las Vegas Strip in casino revenues and Singapore prepares to open its first casino resorts to attract players and stimulate tourism.