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对一切众生,我都平等对待。I am equal to all.

恋爱不分贵贱。Love makes all equal.

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所有动物一律平等。All animals are equal.

人人生来都是平等的。Pepole are born equal.

死得其所,流芳百世。The end makes all equal.

他在音乐方面没有匹敌。He has no equal in music.

人是生而平等的。Human is born to be equal.

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它们两个现在等于?So both of them now equal?

我们可以让固相的化学势和气相化学势相等。We can have those be equal.

一个等号是用来做什么的?What does an equal sign do?

1公顷合15市亩。A hectare is equal to 15 mu.

所有耐克鞋都是一样的。All Nikes are created equal.

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他觉得每个人都是平等的。He feels equal to everybody.

1索玛等于0.0007欧元。UZS is equal to 0.0007 Euro.

一个人认为是相等的。One person thinks it's equal.

等于w2一撇。And this is equal to w2 prime.

把气体状态方程代入得到V除以。T It's just equal to V over T.

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这对双胞胎个头儿一样高。The twins are of equal height.

把蛋糕分成等份。Divide the cake to equal parts.

我感到我现在可以和他平起平坐了”。I feel as if I am his equal now.