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格宾网箱施工怎样组装?Gabion construction how to assemble?

格宾网又称格宾笼,格宾网箱。Also called gabion mesh gabion box, gabion.

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那么格宾网在复杂环境下是怎样起作用的呢?Then the gabion mesh might work in a complex environment?

最后,对开放式钢筋石笼的特点进行了总结。At last, the characteristics of the gabion are summarized.

在突发状况中是若何使用包塑石笼网箱匡助的?Is intended to use in the emergency package gabion cages help?

格宾网在使用中通常以某种笼的形状使用,大家又叫它格宾笼、铅丝石笼、钢筋石笼。Mesh in use usually in a cage shape, we called it gabion box, gabion, gabion.

利用石笼墙系统、阶梯、抛石和少量的混凝土保护河岸。Use gabion wall system, terraces, riprap, and less concrete to protect the riverbank.

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格宾网适用于高流速、冲蚀严峻,岸坡渗水多之缓河边。Suitable for high velocity, gabion mesh erosion slope seepage corrosion more serious, the river.

格宾网网箱内填充的石料可就地取材,这是一项新式生态防护技能。The cage gabion mesh filled stone materials, this is a new type of ecological protection skills.

如果把第一座格宾网布置在项冲点或顶冲点以下,格宾网就不能发挥很好的作用。If the first grid layout in the item or rushing red point point, gabion mesh can play a very good role.

详细介绍了钢筋石笼的制作、施工工艺及维护方法。Moreover, the manufacture, construction technology and maintenance method of gabion are presented as well.

自然光穿越石笼墙上的石块,在方形体内部创造了阴影。Natural light will slip through rocks in the gabion walls and create shadows within the rectilinear volume.

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文中主要介绍了阶梯式钢筋石笼消能工结构设计的一些问题。The paper presents some problems for structure design of the stepped reinforcement gabion energy dissipater.

包塑石笼网箱的质料为异形截面的热镀锌低碳钢丝,外涂树脂关心膜。Plastic coated gabion cages for profiled material galvanized low carbon steel wire, membrane resin coated outside care.

看了以上的介绍,相信你对格宾网在复杂环境下的应用已经有所了解了吧。Read the above description, I believe you on Application of gabion net in complex environment has been to understand it.

推导了加筋格宾挡墙在水平地震荷载作用下的竖向动土压力的振动方程。The vibration equation of vertical dynamic earth pressure of reinforced gabion wall under horizontal seismic loading is also derived.

试验改进了筋材的夹持方法,有效地限制了试件的横向变形和在拉拔过程中的颈缩效应。In order to reduce the necking effect of gabion mesh and lateral deformation during pull-out test, special clamping system was developed.

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本文就焊接铁网石箱在水利工程挡土墙中的应用设计、制造工艺以及施工方法进行了详尽地介绍。The paper introduces the design, the manufacture technology and the construction method of welded wire fabric gabion applicated in the water project.

河水在弯曲的河道处,由于遇到格宾网箱或者格宾网垫,河水就会拐弯,顺着固有的河道流淌就可以安全的引导河水。River in curved channel, due to an encounter with gabion mesh cage or gabion mesh pad, rivers will turn down the natural river flow can secure boot river.

在东北严寒地区,建基为软基且双面过水的工程中应用阶梯式钢筋石笼消能,当属首例。In severe cold area of Northeast, the stepped reinforcement gabion energy dissipater applied to double face overflow works on weak foundation is first example.