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美珍跟踪阿兰,拍到了塔利与阿兰私奔的照片,并传给塔莎安。Mei tracking Alan, captured tully elopement with Alans photos, and passed on to tasha.

塔莎安无意中发现塔利收藏着与阿兰拉手的照片,两个人又大吵一架。Tasha, inadvertently found tully collection and Alan shake handshandle pictures, and a big fight.

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商场里,塔利看见正在做推广活动的阿兰,阿兰发现后逃开了,内心却很悲伤。Mall, tully see Alan is doing promotional activities, Alan found after the escape, heart is very sad.

塔利才48岁,是一个传统的职业政客,一个不错的人,我们都渐渐喜欢上了他,也很倚重他。Tully was only forty-eight, an old-school political pro and a fine man we had all come to adore and depend on.

直到有一天,塔利将阿东从马蹄下救起,父子的血缘关系让他俩十分投缘。Until one day, tully adon rescued from under the water chestnut, father and son kinship let them very congenial.

拉齐德先生还表示,中粮集团在购买30%的塔利糖占食糖由麦凯举行感兴趣。Mr De Lacy also said that Cofco was interested in purchasing the 30 per cent of Tully Sugar held by Mackay Sugar.

塔利的母亲拉维来到度假村塔利家,看到塔利与塔莎安争吵,拉维赶紧劝架,两个人才决定继续留下来。Tullys mother ravi to resort tully, saw tully quarrel with tasha Ann, ravi to stop the fight, two people decide to stay.

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故事情节跨度长达三十年,讲述了两个好朋友塔利和凯特从孩提时代到成年的故事。The story spans over three decades and covers the lives of two best friends, Tully and Kate, from childhood to adulthood.

塔利因为回家晚被妻子塔莎安责骂,争吵中塔莎安哮喘发作,塔利被母亲拉维责备。Tully because his wife to come home late tasha scold, Sally Ann asthma attacks, the quarrel tower tully is ravi blame the mother.

她的学生作为比赛胜利者曾在卡内基大厅的威尔独奏厅和林肯中心的爱丽丝塔利大厅进行演出。As competition winners, her students have performed at the Weill Recital Hall in Carnegie Hall as well as Alice Tully Hall at Lincoln Center.

许多像塔利这样的小社区遭到了严重的破坏,而像凯恩斯和汤斯维尔这样的大城市则逃过一劫。A number of smaller communities like Tully have been badly hit, but the bigger cities along the coast like Cairns and Townsville have been spared major damage.

上周日晚,在爱丽丝杜利音乐大厅,大提琴家大卫·芬科尔和钢琴家吴涵依次演奏了这五部作品,为听众清晰呈现了贝多芬音乐艺术的发展。Performed consecutively and in order, as they were by the cellist David Finckel and the pianist Wu Han in Alice Tully Hall on Sunday evening, they provide a vivid snapshot of his artistic development.