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但是这是我们。We'll see that shortly.

他很快给你来电话。He will call you shortly.

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不长,来了个瘦僧徒。Not long, a thin shortly.

更多这个主题马上呈现。More on this theme shortly.

不久以后,范妮亚打电话给我。Shortly after, Fania called me.

苔丝狄蒙娜可是那不会太久吗?Desdemona. But shall't be shortly?

您马上就会看到如何使用它。You will see how to use it shortly.

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您稍后将看到这部分的作用。You will see how this works shortly.

很快在9点以后,陪审团入席了。Shortly after nine, the jury came in.

我七岁的儿子很快跟进来了。My seven-year-old son followed shortly.

草轻率率谈恋爱,热得快也冷得快。Hasty love is soon hot and shortly cold.

他相当简慢地回答我的问题。He answered my questions rather shortly.

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卡根即将拥有同样的自由。Kagan will shortly have the same freedom.

这件事情使利特儿不久就娶了朗。This caused Little shortly to marry Long.

预期很快能恢复交通。Traffic is expected to be resumed shortly.

我们将很快回来查阅此处的信息。We will be referring back to this shortly.

全文索引通常很快就可以建好。A full-text index is usually built shortly.

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蜂羽化后不久即可进行交尾。Copulating appears shortly after emergence.

稍后您将看到上述内容的实际应用。You will see all of this in action shortly.

希丁克的计划应该被简短的阐明。Hiddink's plans should be clarified shortly.