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然后我查看了发件箱。Next I checked my Outbox.

在上一个传递周期内出错。您是否仍想发送“发件箱”中的邮件?。Would you still like to send the messages that are in your Outbox?

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您的发件箱中有一封或多封邮件没有指定有效的帐号。One or more messages in your Outbox do not have a valid account specified.

符合以上规则的短信息在发送时同样不会显示在发件箱里。SMS sent using the application will not show up in your normal SMS outbox.

他既不能在出拳上、也不能在力量上压制梅威瑟。He is not going to outbox Floyd and he doesn't have the power to steamroll him.

您的发件箱中有尚未发送的邮件。是否要现在联机发送邮件?。You have unsent messages in your Outbox. Do you want to go online and send them now?

很容易,对吧,鲍比?很像把抄件从收件箱挪到发件箱。Easy work, huh, Bobby? Pretty much like moving copy reports from the inbox to the outbox.

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您已经取消发表文章。未发表的文章将存放于寄件匣中。You have aborted the posting of articles. The unsent articles are stored in the "Outbox" folder.

进入我办公室的物件通过收件箱后,通常要么被放进这里,或扔进垃圾桶、或进入发件箱。Items that enter my office through my inbox will usually either end up here, in the trash, or in my outbox.

有人觉得古巴的奥运会冠军可能爆冷,击败大克里琴科。Others felt that the Olympic champion from Cuba might be able to outbox and outsmart the elder Klitschko brother.

这已是第101封e-mail,发件箱里放满我对你的思念,已经承载不了,但我不会把它们删掉,我会再申请一个邮箱,直到你的回复。This is the first 101 e-mail, outbox filled with my thoughts to you has been unable to load, but I do not delete them, I will re-apply for a mailbox until you reply.

在工作日时,我一完成文件,我就把它们放入我的发件箱中,然后在一天结束的时候,我把那些文件放入需要看到它们的人的收件箱中。During the day, as I finish working on papers, I put them in my outbox and then at the end of the day I take those papers and I put them in the inbox of the people who need to see them.

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他是个兼具速度、力量和震撼力的拳手,他的敏捷和谋略足以让最油滑的拳手相形见绌,而他强有力的击打却也能够在拳台殴斗中占据上风。He's a fast, powerful and explosive boxer, who's agile enough and crafty enough to outbox even the slickest men in the game, but strong enough to win a slugfest with its hardest hitters.