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罗宾布莱特报道自吉隆坡。Robin Brant reports from Kuala Lumpur.

科比是第四节的杀手。Kobe Brant is a killer in the fourth quarters.

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但是在布兰特皮尔森看来,事情并不那么糟。But for Brant Pierson things aren't quite as tight.

我姐姐说不要修布兰特教授的英文课。My sister said not to take Professor Brant for English.

法国著名歌手本兰布特今年夏天要休长假。Brant , a famous French singer, will have a long holiday.

富润家园的采暖锅炉采用的是进口皓欧锅炉。Furun home heating boilers using the import Brant Europe boilers.

带领巡逻队的是上尉布兰特-奥格,来自密西西比的西点军校毕业生。Leading the patrol was Capt. Brant Auge, a West Point graduate from Mississippi.

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雷金纳德。埃森顿在圣诞前夜的马萨诸塞州布然特•洛克广播圣诞颂歌。Reginald Fessenden broadcasts Christmas Carols on Christmas Eve from Brant Rock, MA.

大量的白猫头鹰,白鹅,黑雁,北极狐,海象以及其它动物在这里生存。A great number of polar owls, white geese, brant geese, Arctic foxes, walruses and other animals live here.

倔强的波澜特卡亨斯的资产不足,当他与他们交涉贷款的时候,那种态度突然发生了变化。But that attitude had changed abruptly when they were approached for a loan by a stiff-necked Brant Culhane when his fortunes sagged.

据说录下他与一妇女有性行为的录像带并未经他许可就录制出来。The videos are said to have been produced without his consent showing him having sex with a woman. Robin Brant reports from Kuala Lumpur.