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微软称奥尔德斯的评论“不正确且无知的”。said that the comments were "inaccurate and uninformed".

一些批评显得很无知和毫无意义。Some of the criticism is profoundly uninformed and unhelpful.

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一个少知和信息闭塞的政府是自由的基石。An ignorant and uninformed state is the corner stone of liberty.

我们真的这么愚昧无知到不知道自己可以被轻易收买?Are we so uninformed about issues that we can be bought so easily?

我所怀疑的解释被嘲笑为有偏见和无知。My skeptical explanations were ridiculed as biased and uninformed.

对于任何觉得我会有那种观点的人,我觉得他们都是无知的。For anyone to assume that I have those kinds of views is uninformed.

运动饮料与碳酸饮料一样不健康—-但仍有许多青少年并不了解Sports Drinks are as Unhealthy as Sodas–But Many Teens Remain Uninformed

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我认为,强制选民投票的结果是不知情的投票。I think that having a forced voter turnout would only force an uninformed vote.

你们自己的未被通知部分的就要出现被告知。Portions of yourself that are uninformed are going to come to you to be informed.

美国对其它国家历史、语言与文化的无知,是很危险的。America is dangerously uninformed about other country's history, language and cultures.

当然,一个信息不足的推荐系统只是一个比较不理想的情况但可能仍然是有用的。Of course, an uninformed recommender is just a degenerate case and may still be useful.

这是一篇无知的文章,在某些技术问题上一知半解。This was an uninformed article and sophomoric in its treatment of the specific technologies.

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他会提出建议,有时还会给等待受审的被拘押者陈述一些无知的法律观点。He gave advice and sometimes uninformed legal opinions to the detainees who were awaiting trial.

这也会增强那种活跃市民的老套印象,即叫唤的高调,但是几乎一无所知。It can also reinforce the stereotype of active citizens as highly vocal, but largely uninformed.

政府官员必须把透明度和提供错误信息区分开来。Government officials must differentiate between transparency and providing uninformed information.

那时候,我孤陋寡闻,整天在交际圈中周旋,根本没有闲暇去看书。At that time, I am totally uninformed circles in communication all day deal, no leisure to see the book.

对于事先一无所知的观众来说,看到外国人唱京剧可能会觉得莫明其妙。For uninformed visitors, the sight and sound of foreigners belting it out in Chinese might seem bizarre.

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不知情交易者可以通过分析指令薄和指令成交记录来猜测私有信息的价值。Uninformed traders can guess the value of private information by analyzing the order book and deal record.

市中心区是大型的商品集散地和购物区,没经验的打工仔们通常都会来这里转悠以寻找机会。In the central portion was the vast wholesale and shopping district, to which the uninformed seeker for work usually drifted.

我认为,我再自负,也只能自吹是敢于当女作家的最孤陋寡闻,最不学无术的女人。I think I may boast myself to be, with all possible vanity, the most unlearned and uninformed female who ever dared to be an authoress.