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我对他没有任何怨恨情绪。I bear him no grudge.

她对他怀恨在心。She bears him a grudge.

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所以,我从不吝惜我的爱。So I never grudge my love.

你有没有看过「咒怨」啊?。Have you seen "The Grudge"?

嫌怨未消。A grudge has not yet vanished.

昼坐惜阴,夜坐惜灯。Grudge the time day and night.

但最近斗气有所下降。But I recently dropped the grudge.

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我们能否真正的不再怨恨?Can we truly let go of the grudge?

这个鬼片很恐怖!!!Creepy Grudge Ghost Girl in the Mirror!

我不会怨恨西罗。I don't harbour any grudge against Ciro.

是人为的阴谋,还是亡灵的咒怨?The plot is human, or the undead grudge?

试将一酌破愁城。Test will be a discretionary break grudge.

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没有哪个星座比蝎子更容易产生怨恨情绪了。Nobody carries a grudge better than this sign.

两个就开始互不妥协的斗气。The two began to grudge and do not compromise.

文胜见杜思曼食言对她更加怀恨。WenSheng see DuSiMan renege on her more grudge.

她对自己的宿仇仍然怀恨在心。She still nursed a grudge against her old enemy.

她连给最穷的乞丐一个便士都舍不得。She will grudge a penny even to the poor beggar.

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如果我有怨恨,是因为我生气,我感觉很气愤。If I hold a grudge because I'm angry, I feel strong.

对他没有半句怨言,真的很尊敬他。She never mentioned any grudge and really respected him.

可是那人跟我有仇,除了他还会有谁?That guy has a grudge against me. Who could it be if not him?