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戏未演完,叔父坐立不安,仓皇退席。Play not finish, uncle fidgeting, cut exclusionary.

分析非法证据排除规则的利与弊。Analyze the advantage and disadvantage of the exclusionary rule.

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这个排除规则直到1961年才由法院创制。This exclusionary rule wasn't carved out by the courts until 1961.

其次,说谎者较少使用排他词语——但是,也不,除了,然而。Second, liars use fewer exclusionary words -- but, nor, except, whereas.

另一方面,如果附加说明的内容含有过多的排斥性,那么有可能会产生相反的效果。On the other hand, having rigid specs can backfire if they are too exclusionary.

总是接收布尔型参数,用以支持内含和排除筛选。Always accept the Boolean parameter to support inclusionary and exclusionary filtering.

学术探究,至少在某些领域,可能需要变得不那么排斥性和更全面。Academic inquiry, at least in some fields, may need to become less exclusionary and more holistic.

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非法证据排除规则是现代刑事证据规则中不可或缺的组成部分。The exclusionary rules of illegal evidence are unmovable parts of modern rules of criminal evidence.

我国应当吸收吓阻理论的合理内核,确立起中国式的证据排除规则。China should absorb rational ideas of intimidating theory, and build up exclusionary rules of Chinese type.

对于反转巴西城市发展中排斥的部分来说,市政当局的角色至关重要。The role of municipalities is crucial in reversing the exclusionary pattern of urban development in Brazil.

非法证据排除规则。刑事诉讼中被告的几项主要权力。米兰达原则的适用范围。Criminal Procedure. Exclusionary Rule. A Defendant's key Rights with a Criminal case. The Miranda Rule Range.

非法证据排除规则是指诉讼中的非法证据不得被采纳为认定事实的依据的规则。Exclusionary Rule of Illegal Evidence means illegal evidence isn' t adopted as a basis of ascertainment of facts.

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在许多人看来仅中国人口数目这一项就是一种威胁,于是就制定了专门为了排斥中国人入境的限制移民法。To many, the sheer numbers of China's people were menacing, and exclusionary immigration laws were enacted to keep them out.

我们的过滤器在默认状态下设定在了1-5级的警戒级别,也就是4级,而5级是最具排他性的。By default, our filters had been set to a vigilance level of four on a 1-to-5 setting, with five being the most exclusionary.

在非法证据规则排除的模式问题上,应当采用原则加例外的做法。At the same time a typical exclusionary rule of illegal evidence with exception to the exclusionary rule should be constituted.

神父为了自己的名誉,放任自己的侄女胡作非为,只要不把火烧到他头上,顺便也替他排除异己。Father to his reputation, while allowing his niece abuses, as long as not to fire upon him, by the way also for his exclusionary.

诉讼法中的非法证据排除规则,是一个具有人权保障价值的证据规则。The exclusionary rule of illegal evidence in the procedure law is a rule of evidence bearing the value of safeguarding human rights.

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非法证据排除规则指违反法定程序、以非法方法获得的证据,不具有证据能力,不能为法庭采纳。The exclusionary rule of illegally obtained evidence is invalid and can't be adopted in court, for it disobeys the proceedings of law.

非法证据排除规则指违反法定程序、以非法方法获得的证据,不具有证据能力,不能为法庭采纳。The Exclusionary Rule of Illegally Obtained Evidence is invalid and can't be adopted in the court, for it disobeys the proceedings of law.

撒谎者倾向于避免排除性质的词汇,如“除了”、“也不”、“除去”和“尽管”,因为他们比较难以进行复杂的思维过程。Liars tend to avoid exclusionary words like "but," "nor," "except," and "whereas," because they have trouble with complex thought processes.