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甲烷正在从海底永冻层中释放出来?Methane Bubbling Up From Undersea Permafrost?

海滩上,有一个不规则的正在融化的永久冻土层。On the beach there is a jagged layer of thawing permafrost.

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俄罗斯有5000英里的铁路线修筑在永久冻土层上。There is 5, 000 miles of railway track built on permafrost.

永久冻土通常具有冰点以下的丰富水资源。Permafrost is soil, often water-rich, that is below freezing.

这是北极永冻地区的植物气候。This is the vegetational climate of arctic permafrost regions.

由于冻土融化,陆地会失去吸水性。As the permafrost melts, the land loses its capacity to absorb water.

它是一间由在永久冻土层中挖出的洞而成的冰屋。It is located in the ice-house – a cave hollowed out in the permafrost.

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冻裂是多年冻土地区沥青路面的主要病害。Frost crack is the main failuve of asphalt pavement in permafrost region.

分布于极地永冻层和海底沉积层中。They are distributed in polar permafrost horizons and submarine sediments.

水合物形成于寒冷气候下,如永久冻土带和深水下。Hydrates form in cold climates, such as permafrost zones and in deep water.

不得回填淤泥、腐植土、冻土及有机物质。Not backfilling silt, corruption and graft, permafrost soil organic matter.

覆盖在永冻层上方的一层活冻层土壤,每年都会融化和重新冻结。Thawing and refreezing each year, an active layer of soil lies over permafrost.

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住在永冻土区域的人们应该做着什么适应这些变动?What should people living in permafrost areas be doing to adapt to these changes?

一旦永冻土发生故障,没有改正那个情况的工程解决办法。Once permafrost fails, there is no engineering solution to correct that situation.

在全球变暖的大背景下,不断增加的气温也可能消融永久冻土带,让铁路的路基松动。Rising temperatures could melt permafrost and destabilise the railway's foundation.

在永冻土的冰为冻土提供一个重要物理结构。The ice in permafrost provides an important physical structure for the frozen soil.

阐述了高原多年冻土区各类涵洞施工工艺。The construction techniques for culverts in plateau permafrost regions are introduced.

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“这些永久冻土中的沉积物开始融化,并释放出甲烷,”麦斯林说。"These permafrost deposits are now melting and releasing their methane, " said Maslin.

中心地区山不多.那里湖泊河流密布.低矮的植物生长在永久的冻土上.Not in the center. It is full of lakes, rivers and low vegetation resting on permafrost.

研究者认为这一发现有助于科学家预测北极下面永久冻土的命运。Researchers say the discovery could help predict the fate of the deep Arctic permafrost.