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他经营着一家床上用品商店。He runs a shop for bedding.

使用舒适的床上用品。and use very comfortable bedding.

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他们正在把番茄秧移栽到地里。They are bedding out the tomatoes.

席梦思床品公司就这样诞生了。The Simmons bedding company was born.

床上用品通常在一月份降价出售。Bedding usually goes on sale in January.

家具和床褥被挪动是经常性的。Skewing of furniture and bedding is common.

把她在家习惯使用的东西全都带来了,也不准备用学校发的被褥。She won`t use the bedding prepared by school.

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燕麦秆可作饲料和铺草。Oat straw is used for animal feed and Bedding.

我折迭寝具把它放在柜子里。I fold up the bedding and put it in the closet.

不提供卧具,所以得自备睡袋。Bedding is not provided, so bring a sleeping bag.

要供给清洁干燥无灰尘的垫草。Clean, dry, dust-free bedding should be provided.

农民们为栽秧苗翻地作垄。The farmers are bedding up for planting seedlings.

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乔乔设计圆点瓢虫婴儿床床上用品系列。" Jojo " design point ladybug crib bedding series.

床用援助品包括床垫、毛毯和被单。Bedding aid includes mattresses, blankets and linens.

干草可用作羊的好垫草。This dried grass will make good bedding for the sheep.

也可以选择深浅不一的蓝色床上用品,穿上蓝色的睡衣。Choose bedding in shades of blue and wear blue pajamas.

检查被褥。弄净上面的泥土,尽可能保持卧具的干净。Remove soil, and keep the bedding as clean as possible.

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他一直卖10到20包负荷的马厩用品。He'd been selling 10 and 20-bale loads for horse bedding.

几周之内,蚯蚓就会移动到新垫料中。Within a few weeks the worms will move to the new bedding.

层理类型主要为块状层理、板状交错层理。Clumpy bedding and tabular cross-bedding are the main types.