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这人生到底带点荒谬,冰封了所有的永远。This life brings an absurdness , Ice-bound all forever.

他从一种“伪纪实主义”的高度以“本真的”叙事手段实施着对这一荒诞的叙说。“He has adopted a " highly natural " narrative method which is " pseudo-documentary " to narrate this absurdness.

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甚至连别人的指甲比我长,头发比我黑这类荒谬的事也会增添我的烦恼。Even when other's nail is longer than mine and their hair is blacker such absurdness would also make me bothered.

这三大原则表现在无神论存在主义文学里,就反射出世界的荒谬与个人的孤独。These three principles echo the absurdness of the world and solitude of individual in atheistic existential literature.

使得包括美国白人在内的整个社会都来认识种族主义的荒诞、强势和邪恶,从而促使人们主动去消除种族主义。Thus the whole society, including American whites, to cognize the absurdness , dominance and evil of racism and to eliminate racism on their own initiative.

大部分人马上平静地离开现场,或者有些人也向那些无处不在的保安人员抱怨没有在鸟巢外面直播开幕式盛况。Most everyone left the site without raising a tantrum or complaining to the ubiquitous security guards about the absurdness of not showing the gala outside the Bird's Nest.

安东·契诃夫首先是作为一位批判现实主义作家为人们所接受的,然而他的作品也透露着明显的现代意识,如象征主义、印象主义、荒诞性等。Anton Chekhov is accepted by us as a critical realism writer, but his works also reveals modern consciousness obviously, such as symbolism, impressionism, absurdness and so on.

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荒诞的美学意义与荒诞产生的文化背景、成为审美范畴的缘由以及审美特征密切相关。This essay illustrates the aesthetic significance of absurdness from aspects of the cultural background, the cause of forming of the aesthetic category and the aesthetic quality.

文明的高度发展和两次世界大战的创伤孕育了荒诞这一美学主潮,荒诞是丑的极端表现,是人类心灵对所有现实倾向的接纳。Bred by the high development of civilization and the hurt from two world wars, absurdness is human soul's admission to all real tendencies , as it's the extreme expression of ugliness.

先秦两汉散文对于人的形貌描写,贯穿着巫术与理性精神的矛盾并存、壮观秀丽之美和怪异荒诞之美的错杂。The appearance description of characters in the prose of the pre-Qin and the two Han dynasties is filled with necromancy, spirit of reason, the beauty of elegant delicacy and monstrous absurdness.

他总是游离于荒诞与反抗、痛苦与幸福、个体与集体、绝望与希望、反抗与节制、流放与王国等对立的概念中。He was always lost in the opposing ideas, such as absurdness and resistance, sorrow and happiness, individual and collectivity, desperation and hope, resistance and abstention, banishment and kingdom.