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你听见号角声了吗。雏儿?。I know you hear"em."

你似乎不能体念我多么忙。Em to appreciate how busy I am.

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电镜观察细胞和纹状缘。EM of cells with striated border.

我衷心祈祷今天你能让他们心想事成吗?I pray, can you give em one today?

集中火力攻击敌舰!全部击沉!Focus on their ships! Sink ' em all!

如果我可以,我会告诉他们前路是什么样的吗?If I could, would Itell th em what lies ahead?

你怎么看印度力量在斯帕的速度?Como você avalia o ritmo da Force India em Spa?

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打死他们也不会把孩子送到危地马拉去上学!They sure as hell ain't sending em to Guatamala.

我告诉过他们我有幽闭症,我必须出去!I told em I was claustrophobic, I go get ou here!

历史上各个王朝均有兴衰。Throughout history em pires have waxed and waned.

EM和NML仍然寄希望于利用这种紧张。EM and NML are still hopeful of exploiting this tension.

我在胡说些什么?毙了他们俩,你在对准谁,格雷迪?What am I sayin? Shoot em both Grady, where's your gun at?

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最后,本文还对电磁声发射实验进行了设计。Finally we do the predesign of the EM AE experimental system.

在我崩溃之前,我一直唱饶舌歌,希望你们感觉到。Till I collapse , I spilling these raps, long as you feel em.

她的婶婶最初来到这里的时候,还很年轻,是个美丽的新嫁娘。When Aunt Em came there to live she was a young, pretty wife.

是么?好的,继续一直给他们打电话,不管早晚。Yeah? Well day and night, night and day just keep callin' em.

我不会同意她的计划,因为计划未准备充分。I won't giv em assent to her plan because it is not well prepared.

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龚先生同时为摩根大通亚洲新兴市场投资战略联席主管。Frank also co-heads JP Morgan EM Asia market research and strategy.

伏地魔成立了在要塞驻防的部队,把队员带到黑暗的一边。Voldemort started a garrison force. Brought' em over to the dark side.

要实现对复杂环境的EMC分析,最大的障碍是计算量过大,耗时太长。Too much time is needed for EMC analysis of complicated EM environment.