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你必须正视现实。You must envisage realities.

很难想像一个更具有破坏性的商业模式。It’s hard to envisage a more disruptive business model.

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但我可以想象,到时候我们也可以接受某些东西。But I can envisage a time when we may adopt certain things.

科研单位应以积极的态度面对机构改革和改制。The scientific research institutes envisage actively to reformations.

中国为了自己的利益,也必须正视人民币汇率的问题。For the sake of self-interest, China has to envisage the problem of RMB exchange rate.

它弥合了裂痕,有助于实现在不平衡的破碎世界休戚与共的设想。It melds fractures and helps envisage solidarity in our imbalanced and fractured world.

最后具体设想了建设以三审终审为原则的多层次审级制度。Finally, concrete building three envisage a final trial for the principle of multi-level system for instance.

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厨房采用了L形操作台,使厨房空间超乎想像地宽敞和整洁。The kitchen used L form work station, make kitchen space exceeds envisage the ground to be mixed roomily neat.

但如果金砖四国都采取正确的政策,我们推测的未来世界完全有可能成为现实,而非黄粱美梦一场。If the BRICs pursue sound policies, however, the world we envisage here might turn out to be a reality, not just a dream.

最终极的目标是活在“当下”,把你自己设定在如生活在高振动实相一般,那时候你会永久站在“光”中。The ultimate aim is to live now as you envisage life in the higher dimensions, when you will permanently exist in the Light.

他们永远在处理琐碎的事情。他们并不知那些心思较旷达的幽默家更能应付伟大的事情。They are forever dealing with trivialities, while the humorists with their greater sweep of mind can envisage larger things.

你的世界,从此发生了。面对悲惨,冷漠,罪恶,邪邪一笑,犹如黑夜中冷酷的目光。Yous world, happening now. Envisage dismal, offish and evil, you can smile like the devil. Like the inexorable eye of the night.

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只有以规定的速度在机器上慢跑一小时,达到汗水淋漓的境界,观众才能领略艺术作品。Only after a half an hour of running on the machine at a precisely defined speed, dripping in sweat, can one envisage the artwork.

如果你设想一下人类正在同大自然搏斗,以求得更好生存时,你可以视大自然为敌人。You might regard Mother Nature in general as your enemy, and envisage human life as a struggle to get the better of Mother Nature.

Eccles博士的支持者设想,把电子病历与医学研究联系在一起,可以使病人的记录能被合并及提取,以找出其类似的相互关系。Advocates envisage linking EHRs with research so that patient records can be "combined and mined" to look for similar correlations.

我会设想,该网站将用高达400与全世界观众表演。因此,该网站主机将需要。I will envisage that the site will be made of up to 400 performers, with a worldwide audience. Thus the hosts of the site will need.

我们预计,该网站将有地方在16-20页的区域,将包含视频,音频和滚动文本。We envisage that the website would have somewhere in the region of 16-20 pages, and would incorporate video, audio and rolling text.

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阳光从来都是摄影过程的主导角色,若轻若重或明或暗的主宰著一切令人动心的遐思。Sunlight is always a foremost element of photography, from thick darkness to thin lightness, it destined every sentiment of our envisage.

科学家,政治家和传媒最先感受到危机之迫近,但他们当中,亦无人能猜透它的潜在影响。Scientists, politicians and the press are the first to sense the imminent disaster, but none can really envisage its cataclysmic consequences.

立法管理会从法律层面上对公众、行医者、经营者确立了法律上的约束,各方可依据法律确立相应的行为及利益。What do you envisage would be the benefits to the public, to practitioners, and to businesses, associated with introducing statutory regulation?