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如何进行引导式景象刻画?。How do you do guided imagery?

用了同一意象。It uses the same kind of imagery.

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作者的比喻令我迷惑。The author's imagery mystifies me.

“意象”即“表意之象”。Imagery is a meaning-oriented image.

而意象则是一个较为简单的刺激方法。An easier external stimulus is imagery.

该卫星影像是由日本气象厅提供的。The satellite imagery is provided by JMA.

诗篇饰以生动的画像。The poetry was bespangled with vivid imagery.

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在进行引导式景象刻画时,你要运用到一切感官。You use all of your senses in guided imagery.

在他的诗里有独具一格和想象力。There is originality and imagery in his poems.

杜鹃鸟意象的情感意蕴。Second, the emotional imagery implication of cuckoo.

心理意象组还经受了更少的压力。The mental imagery group also experienced less stress.

谷歌提供街景鸟瞰和住家的卫星图像。Google offers street views and satellite imagery of homes.

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他喜欢的东西和糖化试验图像。He loves mashing things up and experimenting with imagery.

他在幻灯片中采用了高质量的图片,设计了震撼的视觉效果来烘托Gore本人和他的演讲内容。His slide images are photographic imagery of high quality.

我发现了很多的图像是相当恶心的和可怕的。I found a lot of the imagery to be rather yucky and scary.

我建议你用不同类型的场景来试验。I recommend you experiment with different types of imagery.

我们该怎么理解这意象呢?How do we even begin to appreciate this amazing imagery here?

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我天生就有一种从事视觉形象的气质。I’ve always had an inherent disposition toward visual imagery.

或每个放射治疗获得15分钟引导图像。Or every radiation treatment gets 15minutes of guided imagery.

谷歌手机地图这厢功能可以让你看到街道级别的商店图像。View street-level imagery of businesses and turns in directions.