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他被连上了呼吸机,现在就是个植物人了。He's on a respirator and is in a vegetative state.

怎样才能学习到呼吸防护用品的佩戴和使用方法?Q. How do I learn how to put on and use a respirator?

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外面尘雾迷天,最好戴上口罩。The smog is so thick that you'd better wear a respirator.

将呼吸器置于下颚下端,并且将鼻梁夹朝上。Position the respirator under you chin with the nosepiece up.

另外两种呼吸器可解决漏气问题。Two other types of respirator systems solve the leak problem.

他也许永远就只能靠着呼吸器来呼吸了。He would never even breathe again without the aid of a respirator.

也就是说这种口罩可以有效过滤灰尘、花粉以及PM2.5。That means the respirator is effective against dust, pollen and PM2.5.

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克罗斯戴着一个呼吸器,只能用热泪作为回应。Cross, on a respirator , responded the only way he could -- with tears.

她一直服用镇静剂和一个呼吸器,并接受透析。She has been sedated and is on a respirator and is undergoing dialysis.

事故过后五个月,他要求拿掉呼吸器。Five months after the accident, he asked to be taken off the respirator.

眼部-需戴化学安全护目镜,除非已戴防毒面罩。Eyes-wear chemical safety goggles unless a full face piece respirator is worn.

经常检查油系统呼吸器和减速机上呼吸器是否有粉尘堵塞。Check for dust blockage on respirator of oil system and respirator of gear reducer.

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若我脸上有大胡子或短毛茬,还想佩戴防护口罩预防SARS暴露,该怎么办。What if I have a beard or stubble and want to wear a respirator for SARS exposures?

接着,Vera把我便携式呼吸装置的管子放在我嘴边,以防万一我需要空气。Then Vera put the hose of my portable respirator near my mouth, in case I needed air.

如果空气从呼吸器的边缘漏出,用背面的带子与头边固定好。If air leaks at the respirator edges work the straps back along the sides of the head.

如果你一直都在那里,当他们把你拿掉时,他们不应该还需要呼吸机才能存活。If you’re there all the time and they take you away, they shouldn’t need a respirator.

她抓住面罩,呼呼地吸气,又短促又深入,弄得呼吸器答答响。She clutched the mask and breathed short and deep, pantingly, making the respirator click.

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无创人工呼吸机是治疗各种类型呼吸衰竭的重要手段。Non-invasive respirator is an important tool to treat various types of respiratory failure.

可以买到很多种价钱和重量的紧急防毒面具。Smoke escape emergency respirator masks are available in a wide variety of prices and weights.

方法对应用呼吸机治疗的56例严重肺挫伤病人进行分析。Methods To analyze the using respirator to treat the severe pulmonary contusion on 56 patients.