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Gilks和他的同事使用的资料数据来自南非和马拉维。Gilks and colleagues used data from South Africa and Malawi.

马拉维已经建立了一家人道主义无人机测试中心。Malawi has launched a testing center for humanitarian drones.

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在谈及自给自足,满足自我的产生模式时,朱玛博士提到了马拉维和中国。For models of self-sufficiency, Juma points to Malawi and China.

对儿童最友好的贫困国家包括布基纳法索、马拉维。Child- friendliest among the paupers were Burkina Faso and Malawi.

在非洲,这个组活跃在利比里亚,塞内加尔,马里和马拉维。In Africa, the group is active in Liberia, Senegal, Mali and Malawi.

阿内丝和妈妈,是马拉威一百一十万接受户之一。Agnes and her mother were among the 1.1 million recipients across Malawi.

两年后,马拉维成为了邻国的食品捐助国。And after two years Malawi became a food donor to neighbouring countries.

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这次的临床试验研究了Blantyre地区的210名感染疟疾的儿童。The clinical trials involved 210 children with malaria in Blantyre, Malawi.

真的,我对今年一月马拉威的情况甚感惊讶。Indeed, I was very struck about the situation in Malawi in January of this year.

欧盟驻马拉维办公室也对驱逐克伦特·迪耶特先生的决定表示谴责。The EU office in Malawi has also condemned the decision to expel MrCochrane-Dyet.

马拉维把自己从一个粮食短缺的国家转变为谷物出口国。Malawi has transformed itself from being a food deficit nation to a grain exporter.

然而,马拉威的教会领袖敦促政府要保持目前的法律。However, church leaders in Malawi urged the government to maintain the current laws.

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2006年的时候她不顾国际舆论的反对,收养了马拉威的一个小男孩。And she defied international disapproval in 2006 by adopting a young boy from Malawi.

我想喝牛奶,但我买不起。I would like to drink some milk but I can't buy it," Edson James Kamba of Malawi said.

下一步的试验将扩展到布基纳法索、加蓬、加纳、马拉维和莫桑比克。The next trials will expand to include Burkina Faso, Gabon, Ghana, Malawi and Mozambique.

此外,我们还将总体和特定年龄死亡率与2004年马拉维人口和卫生调查数据进行了比较。Overall and age-specific mortality rates were compared with those from the 2004 Malawi DHS.

马拉维是世界上最大的烟草出口国,晾干后的烟草被用于混合型烟草。Malawi is the world's biggest exporter of burley, an air-dried tobacco used in cigarette blends.

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我们与英国国际发展部一道,代表马拉维政府完成了天气风险管理交易。In partnership with DFID, we finalized a weather risk management transaction on behalf of Malawi.

他说,马拉维的一个村庄用这个去壳器在两个月里生产出了三十吨的花生。He says a village in Malawi used a single sheller to process thirty tons of peanuts over two months.

马拉维的村庄往往围着栅栏或岩壁,以保卫庄稼、收成和牲畜。Malawi villages are often made with bomas, or palisades, to safeguardcrops, harvests, and livestock.