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也就是因为有痴暗的无明,所以人生的见解才会偏差。Due to ignorance, our views on life become deviant.

他们对现实的性的需要减少或变得异常。Their appetite for real-life sex diminishes or becomes deviant.

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探讨运动员偏差行为的预防及解决之道。Explore the preventions and the solutions to the athletes' deviant behavior.

更严重的是,说耶稣是同性恋就等于说他是个性变态。More seriously, to call Jesus a homosexual is to label him a sexual deviant.

失足青年就像浮在水面的油,被社会群体所隔离。A group society is like a river while deviant youths are oil, being isolated.

他们会把一些世界上普通的行为—比如说素食主义—看作是异常的。They view behaviors that are globally commonplace — say, vegetarianism — as deviant.

1994年,马来西亚政府以涉嫌传邪教的名义查禁了该组织。The Malaysian government banned the group for its allegedly deviant teachings in 1994.

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然而,就算大多数可用性的证据都支持,也会发现一些例外的结果。Still, while most usability evidence strongly aligns, there are deviant results to be found.

其具有主观性与多元化、突发性与经常化、偏差性与无序化等特点。It has subjective and diverse, unexpected and regular, deviant and disordered characteristics.

越轨行为是一种常见的社会现象,也是犯罪学的研究对象之一。Deviant behavior is a common social phenomenon, which is also an object of study of criminology.

几乎所有的性变态者都是男性,而检测女性变态者血液则会发现她们的雄性激素水平很高。Practically all sexual deviants are male, and tests on deviant women show high male hormone levels.

它关注的并一夫多妻婚姻的不合伦常,而是那些人生活的艰辛。"Big Love", which got respectable ratings, portrays plural marriage as more demanding than deviant.

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除了连环杀人犯和食人魔,他还是个变态、猖狂的恋童癖者。Besides being an admitted serial killer and cannibal, he was also a rampant pedophile and a deviant.

每一标准刺激与偏差刺激之后皆跟随一次反应命令信号。Every standard or deviant stimulus was followed by a response imperative signal in attended modality.

几乎所有的性变态者都是男性,而检测女性变态者血液则会发现她们的雄性激素水平很高。Practically all sexual deviants are male, and tests on deviant women show high male hormone levels.

但是也许在有的文化地域,例如斯堪的纳维亚半岛,我们很难容忍那种不正常的声音。But maybe in some cultures, we are more tolerant to what we in Scandinavia would say, is a deviant voice.

一经触发,该网络会将那个不协调的音符归于带有明显边界的另外的片段中。Once activated, that region partitions the deviant chord as a different segment with distinct boundaries.

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相对于集体行为理论的宣称,涂尔干并没有将社会运动视为是某种偏差行为。In contrast to the collective behavior theory, Durkheim does not think of social campaigns as deviant behavior.

换句话说,彼时的保罗在解决所有的性越轨和不道德行为,而不只是各种各样同性恋的问题。In other words, Paul is addressing ALL deviant sexual and immoral behavior, not just that of a same-sex variety.

打我记事儿起,纽约就对犬类是青睐有加,对猫科却是另眼相待。For as long as I can remember, New York has been set on total canine default with feline being the deviant strain.