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钢索的柔韧性足够承受这样的重量。The cable is withy and strong enough to hold such weight.

建议购买那些手感细腻,柔韧性能佳的。The proposal buys those feel exquisite, of withy function beautiful.

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一个国家的兴起与腐败现象如同水火药味一样是不相容的。The rise of a nation is as incompatible with corruption phenomenon as fire is withy water.

使蓬松干枯的头发顺滑自然,带来柔韧顺滑的秀发。The hair with sere shag arranges slippery nature, bring withy arrange slippery beautiful hair.

随着巴西环境部长玛丽娜·席尔瓦的辞职,亚马逊失去了一位伟大斗士。Withy Marina Silva's resignation as Brazil's environment minister, the Amazon hb lost a great champion.

你知道,从各方面来看,我都适合于从事后现代之旅,这无关我银行存款多寡的问题。You know, in a lot of ways—none of them having to do withy bank account—I am ripe for the postmodern journey.

麻质、棉质布料的柔韧让整间卧室布满了无法抗拒的温馨感。Hemp of qualitative cloth of qualitative, cotton withy let rectified a bedroom to be full of the sweet move that cannot resist.

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目的探讨生物反馈放松治疗对脑卒中后抑郁患者功能预后的影响。Objective To investigate the effect of biofeedback and relaxation therapy on the functional recovery of the stoke patients withy depression.

所以,应把不必要的大肌肉锻炼成长为柔韧的肌肉,使身体得到更多血液,提高最大的持久力和健康。So, should exercise needless big muscle grow for withy muscle, make the body gets more blood, improve the greatest durable power and health.

对于冷硬的材质和洁具可以用软装饰来增加它的柔韧感,营造岛屿度假般的浪漫感。To cold good material pledges He Jie has the withy feeling that can increase it with soft adornment, build islands to go vacationing the romantic feeling like.

它们的漆膜柔韧饱满,有上千种颜色可供选择,并且完全符合室内装修的环保要求。Their paint film is withy and full, on 1000 kinds of color can offer an alternative, and be accorded with completely indoor the environmental protection requirement that decorate.

子弹能把柔韧的一层击穿是因为它的能量集中于一个小范围,脆的一层在柔韧的那层向外弹时向外碎裂,而且不妨害子弹的前进。A bullet can bring withy breakdown because of its energy in a small range, on a layer of the layer in the flexibility to play outside, and when to shatter the bullet not to interfere.