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确实我也从未脱开过。Do I have never withdraw.

我们期待他们撤军。We expect them to withdraw.

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我可以提前取现吗?Can I withdraw cash in advance?

我同时撤回我的投诉。I therewith withdraw my complaints.

我随即撤回我的投诉。I therewith withdraw my complaints.

当你撤销这种刺激,它就会咬你。Withdraw the stimulation and it bites.

请你填写张取款单好吗?Woule please complete a withdraw slip?

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我的老师想悔棋。My teacher wanted to withdraw the move.

为什麽俄罗斯在1917年从第一次世界大战退出?Why did Russia withdraw from WWI in 1917?

我想从这张卡里取钱。I'd like to withdraw money froom this card.

她得从自动提款机提领一些钱。She has to withdraw some money from the ATM.

陛下,我是否可以告退了?Sire, do I have your permission to withdraw?

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当你要用钱时,你可以再把它取出来。When you want to use it you can withdraw it.

你能从你的信用卡里取出一些钱来吗?Could you withdraw money from the credit card?

我们仍然不能取款,但是这又有什么大不了的?We still can't withdraw anything, but so what?

有店柜开业、撤柜工作经验。Have opened shop counters, Withdraw experience.

玉蝶惊叫著后退一步。The jade Die exclaims to withdraw an one tread.

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因此,要求英国政府撤退。It therefore demanded that the British withdraw.

收回有效问卷1013份。Withdraw 1013 copies of effective questionnaire.

你一定要幸福,才不枉我狼狈退出。You must be happy, I will withdraw distressedly.