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他只不过用她来泄欲。He used her just to sate his lust.

并以软硬兼施的办法,奋发努力,确保同行业中的领先地位。We work hard to hold the sate lead in the same trade.

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他认为气球飞艇将使空军能充分满足陆军的胃口。Blimps, Mr Watts reckons, will help them sate that appetite.

即使如此,也未能平息他的怒火,他仍然对每一个塔斯肯人恨入骨髓。But even that did not sate his rage. He still felt a deep hatred toward all of them.

伊丽莎白帮助马克逃脱,当四个仆人满足他们的杀戮的在伊娃。Elisabeth helps Mark to escape, while the four servants sate their bloodlust on Eva.

随着国有企业改革的不断深化,产权制度改革成为关键的环节。With the deepening of sate enterprises reform, property right reform system is a key link.

李肇星对赖斯担任国务卿不久即访华表示欢迎。Li expressed welcome to Rice's visit to China shortly after she took office as the US Secretary of Sate.

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美国的药剂师必须达到他们所在州的职业要求。Pharmacists in the United Sates must meet the professional requirements of the sate where they want to work.

通过复活州主权豁免理论,伦奎斯特法院为州权找到了新的突破口,也更新了联邦主义的含义。By reviving the sate sovereign immunity doctrine, Rehnquist Court strengthens the state right, and refreshes the.

土耳其国务部长妮麦特?丘布克丘顺利地将动物权益纳入宪法之中。In Turkey, Minister of Sate Nimet Cubukcu succeeded in having a ruling for animal rights included in the Constitution.

但是我抗议的是,附和他们品位的游戏的数量过多。But where I object is when the games that sate them become greater in number than those for the more discerning player.

虽然是典型的帝国特色,但甚至连歼星舰都不足以满足帝国炫耀武力的渴望。Though, as is typical of the Empire, not even the Star Destroyer was enough to sate the Imperial hunger for displays of power.

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状态良好的保温集装箱适合于熏蒸,不需要用气密性帐幕苫盖。Insulated containers in a good sate of repair are suitable for fumigation and do not require to be covered with gas tight sheets.

宪政不仅是对国家权力体系中治权的制约,而且也是对国家权力体系中主权的支持。Constitutionalism not only restrains the governance in the state power system, but also supports the sovereignty in the sate power system.

尽管在与普通公立学校接受教育的学生相比,政府的支出要少,但接受学券的学生成绩却更好。The voucher pupils did better even though the sate spent less than it would have done had the children been educated in normal state schools.

国债风险的大小主要通过国债依存度、国债负担率和国债偿债率三个指标来衡量。The scale of national debt risk mainly depends us the three indexes such rate of dependency, bearing rate and debt paying sate of national debt.

即使朝鲜的宣传机器愿意满足人们对世界杯足球赛的渴望,它对比赛结果也无计可施。Even if the North Korean propaganda machine agrees to sate the public thirst for World Cup football, there is little it can do about the results.

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所有州中,阿拉斯加是面积最大的州,罗得岛最小,在美国大陆,最大的州是得克萨斯州。Of all states of American,Alaska is the lagest in area and Rhode Island the smallest.But on the mainland Texas is the largest sate of the country.

他们变成暴躁的掠夺者,袭击村庄和商队来满足他们的杀戮欲并将被害者献祭给他们的恶魔领袖。They became furious marauders , driven to raid villages and caravans to sate their bloodlust and procure sacrificial victims for their demonic master.

2005年12月4日,中国国务院总理温家宝乘专机抵达巴黎,开始对法国进行为期4天的正式访问。On December 4, 2005, Chinese Premier of the Sate Council Wen Jiabao arrived in Paris in his special plane, kicking off a 4-day official visit to France.