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你有责任去生儿育女。Your duty to procreate.

大多数的年轻妇女都有生儿育女的生理需要。Most young women feel a biological need to procreate.

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生育权是民事主体依法享有的生育子女的自由和不生育子女的自由。The right to procreate means that civil subjects have the freedom to give birth or not.

有趣的事,大多数曾与Kirk“搞过暧昧”的人都是科学官。Funnily enough, most of the people Kirk has attempted to procreate with were scientists.

我将不会因我的生育能力明天可能衰退而急于生孩子。‘I wouldn’t go rushing off to procreate on the basis that tomorrow my fertility might drop.’

还有很多鼓励皇室成员生育的津贴,刚出生的孩子就享有津贴。The stipends also provide a substantial incentive for royals to procreate since the stipends begin at birth.

人类的生育需求,势必让安提诺里的候诊室充满人潮,并让复制婴儿的议题持久不衰。The human imperative to procreate is sure to keep Antinori's waiting room filled—and cloned babies on the agenda.

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不要把殖民卫星完全殖民化的原因是你希望殖民者可以尽可能的繁殖。The reason for not fully colonizing a planet is that you want the colonists to procreate for as long as possible.

阿昌族社会对于“性”的认知和态度往往与传宗接代的生殖观念糅合在一起。The comprehension and attitude about the sex in Achang society often mixed with the traditional idea of procreate.

Belkin问道,如果我们置身其中的机制完全颠倒了,女人开始觉得男人“太老了”,不能生育了,会出现什么情况呢?What if, Belkin asks, the dynamic I found myself in was reversed, and women now saw men as “too old” to procreate with?

迷恋期是自然界确保男人和女人有足够时间繁殖后代的生物学陷阱。Infatuation is nature's biological trick to guarantee that a man and a woman are thrown together long enough to procreate.

实际上,这是一个生物学上的陷阱,它能确保男男女女们有足够的时间繁殖后代。It is, in fact, a biological trick by nature to guarantee that a man and a woman are thrown together long enough to procreate.

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与铅有关的健康危害包括神经系统和生育系统紊乱、神经核身体发育迟缓。The hurt to healthy of Lead contains the foul-up of Nerve System and Procreate System. Such us slowly upgrowth of nerve and body.

大多数开花植物都具有雌性和雄性性器官,不需要交配对象就可以自己受精生殖。Most flowering plants, equipped with both male and female sex organs, can fertilize themselves and procreate without the aid of a mate.

生育权是一项自然权利,是基本人权之一,但生育权的行使不同于其他民事权利。Procreate right is a natural right and one of the basic human rights, but the exertion of procreate right differs from other civil rights.

苦聪人在生存和繁衍中,创造了独具特色的苦聪人高山生活文化,而民族服饰文化就是其中的重要组成部分。During the subsistence and procreate of Ku-cong minority, it created an unique highland culture, and the garment is one important part in it.

蜜蜂们正在抽离以驯养方式与人类共存的这一梦想,以便我们可在野外更多繁衍并在那里自由提升。Bees are withdrawing our dream to co-exist in a captive state with humans so that we can procreate more in the wild where we can freely ascend.

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生育权是已婚夫妻和其他妇女依法所享有的决定是否生育以及如何生育子女的人身权。The right of procreation is a right conferred by law to the married people and other women to decide whether to procreate and how to procreate.

生育权本质上是公民在履行了计划生育的社会义务的前提下,对于生育问题的抉择的自由。Essentially the reproductive right means that a person is obliged to decide whether to procreate or not, after he or she having fulfilled the obligation of the family plan.

人们在生产和生活中接触的许多种环境化学物都会影响人类的生殖功能,使人类的生育能力特别是精子的质量和数量发生显著改变。The exposure to many chemicals will impact on human reproductive functions and cause significant change of procreate ability, especially of the semen's quality and quantity.