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不用粉饰太平。No need to sugarcoat the peace.

没有必要粉饰批评。There's no need to sugarcoat it.

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根本无法去粉饰这糟糕的消息。There is no way to sugarcoat the bad news.

别掩饰了,直接告诉他吧!Don't sugarcoat it.Tell it to him straight.

因此,告诉他们歧视实际上是什么,不要美化它。So tell them what discrimination really is, don't sugarcoat it.

人们度假归来,总爱说些好听的。People come back from vacation and kind of sugarcoat everything.

诚实地公布坏消息要好过遮遮掩掩。It's better to give bad news honestly than to try to sugarcoat it.

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鉴于奥巴马的信用,他并没有粉饰未来的艰险。To his credit, Mr. Obama did not sugarcoat the difficulties ahead.

没有正义的和平是暴政,无论你怎样费尽心机地为它裹上糖衣。And peace without justice is tyranny, no matter how you may sugarcoat it with expedience.

可用于糖果、饮料、糕点、果酒、果冻、果酱、果奶、冰棍、雪糕、罐头、火腿肠及药品外衣等的着色。Applied in candy, beverage, cakes, fruit wine, jelly, jam, fruit milk, ice candy, ice cream bar, tinned food, ham, sugarcoat of medicine and so on.

我认识一些经理,他们把坏消息裹上糖衣,甚至于收到解雇信的员工都认为他们工作出众,因而受到了表扬。I know of managers who sugarcoat all bad news to such an extentthat the employee on the receiving end feels complimented on having done anoutstanding job.

在日常生活中,当人们追求目标失败时,他们可能会试图美化结果,以让自己内心感到安宁。这就叫“甜柠檬心理”。In daily life, when people fail to achieve some goal, they may try to sugarcoat the result, in order to feel peaceful. This is called "sweet lemon psychology".

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本机用以制药、食品行业为片剂、丸剂包裹糖衣,也可用作滚炒豆粒,果品类成熟之用。This machine is used to sugarcoat tablets and pills for pharmaceutical and food industries. It is also used for rolling and heating beans and edible nuts or seeds.

有时候,次等的作品就应该老实地说出来,外加一些进步的建议。否则久而久之,人的味觉就是开始只懂得吃甜而完全不懂得珍惜其他的味道了。Sometimes, it is better to call a bad shot a bad shot with suggestions for improvement rather than to sugarcoat everything and in the end, one could not taste anything else but sugar.

哗众取宠是美国文化里的一个特色,像是好大喜功,倾向于夸张疯狂的形象一样,Graham说这样的美国难以接纳他这种纤瘦、低调、不爱粉饰自己的新英格兰人。Sensationalism is one aspect of America’s bigger-is-better, superlative-crazy culture, one that Graham says has never accepted him, a spindly, self-effacing New Englander who doesn’t sugarcoat.