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领口太小了。The neckband is too small.

他的头很大,衣服领口太小,把衣服脱下来时,吐出来的蒸蛋都跑到脸上了。He has a big head so the neckband is small for him.

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不要使用印刷瓶领子,如果丢失或损坏。Do not use if printed bottle neckband is missing or broken.

乙开关的“开”发射机和领口接收单元。B. Switch"ON"the transmitter and the neckband receiver unit.

本品在唐装领口内镶一条可拆式的颈带,方便用户随身配挂。The product inlays a demountable-type neckband the neck belt, and is convenient for the users.

开放的,动态的多粘菌素60颈带耳机是所有便携式音频源的理想选择。The open, dynamic PMX 60 neckband headphones are the ideal choice for all portable audio sources.

轻巧舒适的鼻夹使用起来非常方便。橡胶质地。Comfortable nose clip is lightweight and waterproof. Flexible plastic construction and rubber neckband ensure a secure custom fit.

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口袋凸出,领口不合适,肘部和膝部凸起而且都磨破了。The pocket protrudes, the neckband is inappropriate, the elbow department and the kneedepartment bulge moreover all rubbed through.

在颈带上有一条反光带,能够提供特别的可见度和安全性,特别是如果您希望在日落时跑步。There is a reflective stripe on the neckband , providing extra visibility and safety, especially if you prefer to run after sunset.

这些坚固的立体声耳机功能的领口适合和舒适的最佳人体工程学领口和垂直传感器系统。These rugged stereo neckband headphones feature an ergonomic neckband and vertical transducer system for an optimum fit and comfort.

尽管托尼·鲍尔斯的这一款礼服看上去并不那么“魅惑”,但是镶满宝石的颈带以及皇室高腰裙带还是深得我的喜爱。Though the "sultry" look isn't quite working for this model, I love the jeweled neckband and empire waistline on this Tony Bowls gown.

再比如,卷起袖子会使运动夹克穿起来更时尚,把大衣或者衬衫的领子立起来看起来更年轻。Again for instance, curling up the sleeves will make sport jacket wear more vogue, sign the neckband of the coat or the shirt to look younger.

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分析了影响披肩领立体成型的因素,用实验的方法研究了肩头重叠及领外口重叠量两个主要控制因素对披肩领领座高的影响。Through test, the paper researches about how the two main dominant factorsshoulder overlap and outer neckband overlapaffect the cape collar's collar bottom height.

叶少宁西服搭在手臂间,衬衫的领子敞着,没有领带,头发湿漉漉的,有几缕覆在额头上。The leaf is rather tiny the lounge suit take between the arm, the neckband Chang of shirt wears, there is not knot, cilia dripping wet of, there are a few wisps replying on the forehead.

每一款产品都要经历另外一套独立的测试,包括一个密封检查、数量检查、产品有效期检查、包装箱检查、标签和瓶子检查、领圈检查和批号检查。Each product undergoes another set of individual tests, including a seal check, count check, expiration date check, carton check, label and bottle check, neckband check and lot number check.