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别担心,他能行的。Dun worry, he can one lah.

咁我而家问你,点解你唔讲出呢呀?I dun know what can I say now.

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我想你是指丹里瑞吧?No, I think you mean Dún Laoghaire.

噢,原来你们公司在敦化南路上。Oh, your office was on Dun Hua South Road.

他那带斑点的褐色外衣,在月光里闪着光亮。His dappled, dun coat, Shining in the moonlight.

蒋大郎怎地也来了这里?Jiang Da Dun Lang how did the ground too come here?

音乐家谭盾和功夫明星甄子丹同样也是。So is musician Tan Dun and Kung Fu star Donnie Yan.

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凯尔特巫医不能加入尊-斯盖斯部落。The Kelt Shaman cannot join the horde of Dun Scaith.

我无事不登三宝殿,所以便来找你。I no thing dun come three palace, so i come to find you.

夏侯??看见他过来就问他怎么回事。Xiahou Dun saw him coming up and asked what was the matter.

大家好,我是一个胖敦敦。黑胖胖的一个小男孩。Hello everyone, I was a fat Dun Dun. Black plump a little boy.

顿明月律师为燕山大学客座教授。Ms. Mingyue Dun is a visiting professor of Yanshan University.

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嗨哟﹐葱酱便宜﹐你也不要免费给我!Then the auntie selling vege dun wanna give her free spring onion.

何大伟的姐姐何志霞那叫一个聪明。He Da Dun Wei's elder sister, He Zhi Xia, that shrieks a cleverness.

可是,凿到第七天,浑沌却被凿得七孔流血而死了。However, on the seventh day, Hun Dun bled from the seven orifices to death.

本文主要研究茅盾的翻译理论和实践。This thesis is a study on the translation practice and theories of Mao Dun.

德拉敦某商业大楼的二楼,长出一棵菩提树!From the 2nd floor of a commercial building in Dehra Dun grows a bodhi tree!

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馄饨在中国是广受欢迎的一道菜。Won Ton Soup, called "Hun Dun" in Mandarin, is a highly welcoming dish in China.

茅盾为现代文学贡献了民族资产阶级和时代新女性形象系列。Mao Dun created a series of figures of national bourgeoisie and women in new era.

孟广美实在是太差了,也不知道找个花瓶好干嘛,要花瓶找个年轻的也行啊。I really dun like the idea of human search engine. It is really against human rights.