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这座桥横跨欧亚大陆。This bridge straddles the Eurasia.

当我身临欧亚时,我已经知道了。I have the answer when I am in Eurasia.

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当我身临欧亚时,我已经知道了。I have got the answer when I am in Eurasia.

欧亚大陆是世界的轴向超大陆。Eurasia is the world's axial super-continent.

在欧亚大陆周缘地带将出现三大势力。Three powers are emerging on the periphery of Eurasia.

鼬见于北美洲北部、欧亚大陆和北非。Ermines are found in North America and northern EurAsia.

用鹰来捕猎,是欧亚大陆上许多世纪以来的古老传统。Hunting with eagles is a centuries-old tradition in Eurasia.

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历史上所有力图夺取全球霸权的势力发源于欧亚大陆。All the historical pretenders to global power originated in Eurasia.

新疆地处亚欧大陆腹地,是典型的半干旱、干旱气候。Xinjiang lies in Eurasia inland, has typical half-arid, arid climate.

欧亚集团创始人伊恩·布莱默是一名政治学者。Ian Bremmer is a political scientist and founder of the Eurasia Group.

位于东面的是一块面积、外形近似于亚欧大陆的陆地。Located in the east, appearance is an area of approximate to Eurasia land.

俄罗斯横跨欧亚大陆北部的大部分地区。Russia stretches across much of the north of the supercontinent of Eurasia.

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并帮助他们建立了上海合作组织大学将中国和欧亚的50多所大学联系在了一起。University that brings together some 50-plus universities across China and Eurasia.

成立欧亚地区办事处,服务独立国协的12个国家。Creation of the Eurasia World Scout Region, serving the 12 countries of the C. I. S.

在北极圈的夏天,欧亚大陆多个地区遭受了非同寻常的热浪席卷。The northern hemisphere summer saw exceptional heatwaves in several parts of Eurasia.

你看蒙古人也从没有因为他们祖先征服了大半个欧亚而感到羞愧吧。You don't see the Mongols being ashamed that their ancestors conquered half of Eurasia.

鹿驯鹿,北极和亚北极地区,共同的北美和欧亚大陆。Deer Rangifer tarandus of Arctic and subarctic regions, common to North America and Eurasia.

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一块承载着澳大利亚的板块沉到承载着欧亚大陆的板块之下。One, the plate that is carrying Australia, is diving below the other, which carries Eurasia.

在欧亚大陆的极涡面积大小的振荡分别向东—西两方向传播。The oscillation of polar vortex area over Eurasia propagates separately eastward and westward.

正在建设的徐连高速公路横贯东西,将再现第二座‘欧亚大陆桥’。The Xu that building traverses even the freeway the thing, emersion the 2nd ' Eurasia bridge '.