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原因更多的是关于女性倾向和母性。It's mostly about female preference and motherhood.

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祝新妈妈,尽享为人母的幸福。Wish a new mother, enjoy the happiness of motherhood.

浪漫的爱情和母性被多情地理想化了。Romantic love and motherhood are sentimentally idealized.

毫无疑问,中国领导人也会钟情于母亲的苹果馅饼。No doubt the Chinese leaders also favor motherhood and apple pie.

不到三分钟,我成了一个坏母亲的榜样。In less than three minutes I become the poster-girl for bad motherhood.

但是如果母亲都像杰西卡·埃尔巴那样,我们就都麻烦了。But if motherhood starts looking like Jessica Alba we're ALL in trouble.

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今年的母亲节,我们要求你们在贵国庆祝母亲身份。This Mother's Day, we ask that you celebrate motherhood in your country.

较年长的母亲往往对身为人母的乐趣过于理想化。Older mothers tend to be too idealistic about the pleasures of motherhood.

坦率地谈论母性可能带来意想不到的忧伤和痛苦。Talking about motherhood openly can bring unheralded amounts of grief and pain.

我知道她在精神医生指导下带着母性做这些事。I understand she is working on this part of her motherhood with her psychiatrist.

然而,就像格隆尼姆斯和约翰斯想要指出的一样,少女们却可以选择是否在这个时候成为母亲。However, motherhood is a choice, as both Geronimus and Johns are keen to point out.

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2007年世界献血者日的主题是安全血液促进母亲安全。In 2007, the theme of World Blood Donor Day will be Safe Blood for Safe Motherhood.

每个母亲都各不相同,但是我可以跟你保证,这比看上去更好。Motherhood looks different on everyone, but I can assure you it's quite flattering.

她在古代埃及神秘学校里是母神的焦点。She is the focus of divine motherhood found in the Ancient Egyptian mystery schools.

做妈妈就是要接受时间和精力对你的限制,事情会没完没了。Motherhood is about accepting the limitations of time and energy, which strech beyond you.

现在,这课开始有点像,那些母亲叫你做苹果派的课程了。Now, this becomes a little bit of one of those motherhood and apple pie kinds of lectures.

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她原先就在某左翼新闻出版界供职而非一位居家母亲,这很说明问题。Her original vocation, tellingly, was not stay-at-home motherhood but left-wing journalism.

更应该让我们引以为自豪的是她把真正的母仪献给了我们吉林毓文的校史。We should feel happy and take pride in that her real motherhood is given to us Ruwen Jilin.

出身于闺阁教养中的她,依循传统规范顺理成章地为人妇为人母。Born in the boudoir of her upbringing, to follow traditional norms be a wife and motherhood.