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负责会计凭证汇总。装订及保管工作。Bookbinding and custody of the work.

对于这一类的图书装订方法有很多种,各有千秋。For this kind of bookbinding methods, is a great deal.

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装订的专业服务,也可以在网上找到。Professional bookbinding services can also be found online.

书籍装帧设计的艺术性和时代感是它的生命。The essence of bookbinding is its artistry and time spirit.

文件的一部分附录,被另外装订成一小本。A part of appendixes of the document, were become a by another bookbinding.

书籍装帧是一门综合性艺术,从属于书籍,是书籍的重要组成部分。Bookbinding , attached to books, is a synthetic art and an important part of books.

负责会计凭证汇总。装订及保管工作。Summary responsible for the accounting documents. Bookbinding and custody of the work.

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一种粗糙的棉质织物,有许多胶料,可用来使布匹变硬和装订书籍。A coarse cotton fabric heavily sized with glue, used for stiffening garments and in bookbinding.

中义一种用来使装订上金属叶的书背磨光的石材工具。A polished stone tool used in bookbinding to burnish the edges of books after applying metal leaf.

它把神秘的造纸、制版、印刷、装订、出版技术大众化,平民化。It popularizes the mysterious skills for paper and plate-making, printing, bookbinding and publishing.

装订可以追溯到远古时代,当石碑被用来记录重要事件。Bookbinding can be traced back to ancient times when stone tablets were used to record important events.

介绍了一种制备书籍装订用聚氨酯热熔胶粘剂的方法。In this paper a method of synthesizing the hot melt polyurethane adhesive for bookbinding was introduced.

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基于这种情况,一种环保型自动化打孔装订机开始在市场上出现。Just based on that case, the automatic bookbinding machine without air pollution was designed and produced.

装订可是一门需要想象力和实验精神的活,成品也许会好得让你不敢相信呢。Bookbinding is a craft with some truly remarkable outcomes, where you can get really creative and experimental.

这为公司以后进入包装设备市场及印刷装订设备市场奠定了基础。This company entered the market, packaging equipment and printing bookbinding equipment market laid the foundation.

装订是一个术语,用来描述各种方法获得或'结合'在一起松散页成一本书。Bookbinding is a term used to describe the various methods of securing or 'binding' together of loose pages into a book.

费尔布雷奇诗集是一部彩色稿本的诗篇集,它是英格兰最古老的刺绣装订书籍。The Felbrigge Psalter , an illuminated manuscript Psalter, is the oldest book from England to have an embroidered bookbinding.

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主要用于印刷行业,书籍装订溶化胶水,与进口印刷机械配套,取代进口产品。Mainly used for the printing industry, bookbinding melt glue, and imported printing machinery ancillary to replace imported products.

虽然是书籍,但我希望与包装结合,集包装设计与装帧设计于一体。I wish that I can combine the book with its packing, that is the integration of the design of the packing and the bookbinding and layout.

因此,我们应该确立三维视觉概念的、立体的、动态的书籍装帧设计观,使书籍装帧艺术上升到一个新的层次。Therefore we should establish a tri-dimensional and dynamic new bookbinding concept that can make the bookbinding art go up to a new level.