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因此,本论文开展了铁硫簇唯铁氢化酶活性中心的化学模拟研究。Chemical mimic of the Fe-only hydrogenase active site is mainly discussed in this thesis.

这种方法对于用氢化酶的兼性厌氧细菌或需氧细菌是有效的。This method is effective to the facultative anaerobic bacteria or aerobic bacteria with hydrogenase.

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伦兹把氢化酶直接嫁接到光反应阶段lu所需的一种蛋白质单元上。In his work, Lenz has grafted hydrogenase directly onto photosystem I, a protein unit needed for photosynthesis.

目前蓝杆菌51142有一小部分氢化酶会消耗掉一些制造的氢。At the moment, Cyanothece 51142 has small amounts of a hydrogenase that eats up some of the hydrogen as it is produced.

氢酶活性表达的时间进程受镍的调节,氯霉素阻遏氢酶活性。Time course of expression of hydrogenase activity showed that the derepression of hydrogenase activity depended on nickel.

除了提供清洁的再生能源之外,“氢化酶”飞艇本身还提供了一种生态友好的交通工具。In addition to providing a clean source of renewable energy, Hydrogenase airships offer an eco-friendly means of transportation.

光合作用受氧调节,而我们使用的对氧不敏感的氢化酶,将完全改变这一过程。Photosynthesis is modulated by oxygen, and we have an oxygen-insensitive hydrogenase that we think will totally change this process.

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丁酸梭菌A69具有明显的吸氢氢酶和放氢氢酶活力,它们是丁酸梭菌产氢的主要因素。C. butyricum A69 has the activity of uptake hydrogenase and evolution hydrogenase. They are the main elements of hydrogen production.

每一个“氢化酶”飞艇表面都覆盖着柔韧的光电电池,同时光滑的外墙上镶嵌着20个风力涡轮机。Each Hydrogenase airship is covered with flexible photovoltaic cells and features a smoothly sculpted form studded with 20 wind turbines.

本论文主要合成了一系列唯铁氢化酶活性中心六羰基二铁二硫模型配合物并考察其结构特性。Herein, a series of diiron dithiolate complexes were synthesized as the structural and functional models of the Fe-only hydrogenase active site.

这是迄今为止公布的最有效的氢制造系统“柏林洪堡大学的奥利弗·伦兹这样评价这样评价,他一直致力于氢化酶的研究工作。"This is the most effective system published so far for hydrogen production, " says Oliver Lenz at Humboldt University in Berlin, who works on the enzyme hydrogenase.

这两株光合细菌能利用多种简单有机物,并含有氢化酶,在废水净化及产甲烷方面有较广阔的应用前景。These two strains have great potential in purification of waste water and production of CH4, because they can utilize a few simple organic compounds and contain hydrogenase.

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自然界中存在于藻类和细菌中的氢酶是高效催化氢气氧化和质子还原的氧化还原酶,在生物产氢和能量转换过程中发挥着重要作用。The hydrogenase can reversely catalyze oxidation of hydrogen gas and reduction of protons, thus attracted much attention in the fields of biohydrogen production and biofuel cells.

本文主要综述产氢微生物的种类、微生物产氢代谢途径和关键酶催化机理,并展望微生物产氢研究的发展方向。This paper summarizes the types of hydrogen-producing microbes, the research on biohydrogen metabolism and the catalytic mechanism of hydrogenase , and brings forward the prospect.