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管弦乐和琵琶哀歌“南京!南京!”Nanking! Nanking! A Threnody for Orchestra and Pipa.

PIPA可以适用于各类几何形状材料的探伤。PIPA is able to work with varying materials in different geometries.

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琵琶是中国许多弹拨弦乐器中最受人欢迎的一种。The pipa is the most popular of China's many plucked stringed instruments.

目的测定强力枇杷露中吗啡的含量。OBJECTIVE To establish a method for determining morphine in Qiangli Pipa syrup.

伽马射线光谱向PIPA设备提供最基本的分析数据。The gamma ray spectrums provide the PIPA equipment with baseline data for analysis.

PIPA是一门新兴技术,它可以从根本上改变检查飞机的方法。PIPA is a new technology that could significantly change the way we inspect aircraft.

琵琶是一种古老的中国拨弦乐器,它也被称为中国月琴。Pipa is an old Chinese plucked string instrument. It is also called the Chinese lute.

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去年被命名为世界遗产的凤凰群岛保护区,其面积和加州大致相同,是世界上最大的海洋保护区之一。About the same size as California, PIPA is one of the world's largest marine protected areas.

琵琶传统乐曲大都是五声调式,速度大都是中速或慢速。Most traditional music by Pipa belongs to the pentatonic scale, and the speed is intermediate or slow.

琵琶的音色优美,既具有鲜明的颗粒性声音特点,又富于歌唱性的音乐风格。The tone of Pipa is very beautiful with both clear-cut grain-like sound and rich song-like music style.

彝族舞曲琵琶是中国传统乐器之一,华丽清脆的音色一直为人们所称道。Pipa is a kind of Chinese traditional musical instrument. Everybody in china admires its gorgeous sound.

反弹琵琶,吐蕃时代,石窟壁画,敦煌莫高窟第112窟南壁东侧。Playing Pipa on the Back, cave fresco, on the east side of south wall, cave 112, Mogao grottoes, Dunhuang.

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轮指与其他的技法又可组合成各种汇组的指法,使琵琶的表现力更加丰富多彩,变化无穷。The skill of rotating fingers can be combined with other skills and make Pipa more colorful and changeable.

我们中国的乐器各种各样,历史悠久,比如二胡、琵琶、古筝、笛子等。Our wide variety of Chinese musical instruments has a long history such as the erhu pipa zither flute and so on.

身穿飞天舞衣的翩翩手拿琵琶,摆出一个优美的,飘飘欲飞的舞蹈动作。In dancing costume and holding the Pipa in her hands, Pian-pian draws a graceful dance pose, almost as if flying.

PIPA是具前瞻性的NDT方法,可以在第一阶段预防问题进一步扩展。PIPA is able to offer a proactive NDT choice that allows users to prevent problems from occurring in the first place.

结论所建方法简便、准确、重复性好,可用于强力枇杷露中吗啡的含量测定。CONCLUSION The method is simple, accurate, repeatable and suitable for the determination of morphine in Qiangli Pipa syrup.

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因此,布曲组是盆地内最好的油气勘探目的层,沿中央隆起带两侧以及北羌塘地区的琵琶湖—半岛湖凸起一带应是油气勘探的有利区带。The best oil-gas exploration belt is along both sides of the central uplift belt and the belt from Pipa Lake to Bandaohu Lake.

下周五,中国琵琶演奏家吴玉霞将在国家大剧院举行飞雪迎春独奏会。Next Friday, Chinese musician Wu Yuxia will give a Pipa concert. "For this concert, I prepared both a solo and band performance.

琵琶音乐具有旋律性的特点,作为一种弹拨乐器,琵琶在演奏中旋律线的表述是以“点”来完成的。As a plucked stringed musical instrument, Pipa music is of melody character and for expresses the melody lines by dots in performance.