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那真是让人茅塞顿开。That really was illuminating.

结果是具有启发性的。The results were illuminating.

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对燕子的研究非常有启发性。Research on swallows is illuminating.

神圣的民族先锋队!Divine, illuminating nations of scouts!

他是闪闪的同一性生命。He is illuminating the oneness of life.

幸运之星永远照着你。Lucky star is illuminating you forever.

幸运之星永远照着你!The lucky star forever is illuminating you!

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仓库里大火曈曈,照亮了天空。The huge fire in the warehouse was very bright, illuminating the sky.

关于洪恩贞的信息似乎更加简单清晰,但也颇为说明问题。The information on Hong seems more straightforward, yet illuminating.

阳光所照的平面,与光本身并不垂直。The surface is not perpendicular to the beam of light illuminating it.

耶稣在谈到撒该的家时清楚表明。Jesus made a very illuminating statement concerning the home of Zaccheus.

这个特别的部分可能在您处理此工作的过程中非常具有启发性。This particular section can be quite illuminating as you work through it.

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此刻,突然一道闪电掠过,把他的脸照得很诡异。Uzi's head popped up. A lightning bolt flashed, illuminating his face eerily.

照明辐射的照度通常是以光度为单位。Illuminance of illuminating radiation is always measured in photometric units.

批发商已经备足了中国产照明装饰商品。Wholesalers have sufficient stocks of China-made illuminating decorative items.

在阿尔托的文字和演说中,简短是最具有启发性的了。In Aalto's writings and discourse, which are no less illuminating for being brief.

它们密密麻麻地排列着,像是一座星的山,放射着万丈光芒的星的山。They crammed closely, like a mountain of stars, illuminating out millions of rays.

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如果你是一个严重的神秘学,你就会需要这个难得的启发和书籍。If you are a serious mystical student, you'll need this rare and illuminating book.

适合于控制多台电动机,还可以照明或仪表配出电源。Able to control several motors, also to supply power for illuminating of instrument.

该研究对协同学理论在电力系统中的应用有启发作用。The research is illuminating for the application of synergetic theory in power system.