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这件风衣是他的吗?Is this windbreaker his?

我能试穿下那件风衣吗?I can try that windbreaker?

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你惹人的风衣。You make people windbreaker.

妈为了一件风衣在杀价。Mum bargained for a windbreaker.

她觉得那件风衣太贵了。She found the windbreaker too expensive.

你最喜欢风褛哪一种款式的袖?Which kind of sleeves of windbreaker do you like the most?

我想买一件风衣,以便使我看起来更帅。I want to buy a windbreaker so that I will look more handsome.

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他身穿一件深绿色毛衣,罩了一件御风大衣。The girl was wearing a dark green knitted sweater and a windbreaker over it.

这真是一次非常严重的撞车事故,一个小女孩死了。The girl was wearing a dark green knitted sweater and a windbreaker over it.

今天风这麽大,外出时最好穿上你的防风衣。It's such a windy day that you'd better put on your windbreaker if you go outside.

防风防水短风衣,采用压条拼缝,可折叠风雪帽以及两只侧袋。Water repellent windbreaker with taped seams, fold-in hood ant two inside pockets.

她的红色防风夹克,她的金色长发,在探照灯照射下,闪闪发光,像黑暗中的鲜艳红旗。Her red windbreaker and long blond hair were shining like bright flags in the darkness.

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我快速穿上皮夹克,朝大厅走去,有脚步声快步跑向我。I slipped on a windbreaker and headed down the hall. Running footsteps came up behind me.

黑风衣看来再酷、再不正式,还是代表一种安全而拘谨的选择。However cool and informal a black windbreaker may look, it still represents a safe, formal choice.

秋深,天更是凉了,过不了多久大家应该都又穿上风衣夹袄。Deep autumn, the day is cold, it won't be long before everyone should also wear windbreaker jacket.

于是我们三个,穿上风衣夹克,溜达到马路对面的运动场。The three of us donned our windbreaker and strolled to the soccer &track field across the street for a walk.

“哎呀呀,我的风衣啊。”秦朝连连叹气,却不知道安晴右三已经是目瞪口呆。"Oh ah, my windbreaker. "The Qin Dynasty again sighs, merely doesn't know Anne is fine right three is yet a gape.

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在建筑的东边,由散布的原始白杨林充当防护林。On the east side of the building, there is a promenade with an old growth poplar forest which acts as a windbreaker.

身穿达拉斯牛仔风衣的矮胖男人蹒跚的从拱廊走出来,支撑着自己靠在墙上。The short, squat man in the Dallas Cowboys windbreaker staggers out from the arcade, propping himself against the wall.

布什收到的生日礼物还包括一件棒球衫,和一个形状像棒球场的生日蛋糕,蛋糕上还饰有“德州游骑兵”棒球俱乐部的标志。Bush was also presented with a baseball windbreaker and a birthday cake shaped like a ball park with a Texas Rangers logo.