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是通过对化学反应和共同进化的研究。Chemistry and coevolution.

共同进化就是多种形式的学习。Coevolution is a variety of learning.

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双赢是共同进化模式下生命所演绎的故事。Win-win is the story of life in coevolution.

有些植物和传粉昆虫间出现了协同进化。There are same examples of plant-pollinating insect coevolution.

吸虱与小兽宿主协同进化程度较高。The results reveal a high coevolution between sucking lice and the mammal hosts.

生命与地球环境的协同演化是地球生物学的核心。The coevolution between life and the earth's environment is the core of geobiology.

当长时间与相同的伙伴一起玩这个游戏时,双方既是在博弈,又是在进行某种类型的共同进化。Played over time with the same partners, the results are both a game and a type of coevolution.

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地衣的人工重建表明,真菌与藻类在协同进化的过程中已产生了较高的专一性。The high specificity between symbionts due to coevolution was also found by artificial resynthesis.

在与宿主的共进化过程中,病毒已进化出多种策略逃逸NK细胞攻击。During coevolution with their hosts, viruses have evolved numerous strategies to evade NK-cell attack.

在进化期间,随着生物的社会活动增加,共同进化的场合也越来越多了。In evolutionary time, the instances of coevolution have increased as sociability in life has increased.

蝴蝶和马利筋,犹如立足笔尖的铅笔,依靠共同进化的递归动态而立得笔直。They are held together, poised upright like a pencil standing on its point, by the recursive dynamics of coevolution.

榕树与传粉榕小蜂之间的互惠共生关系是协同进化研究领域中的热点之一。The species-specific mutualism between figs and pollinating fig wasps is one of the hot topics in coevolution studies.

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幽门螺旋菌和现代智人几千年来的共同演化,对两个物种都带来激烈的天择压力。Over the millennia, the long coevolution of H. pylori and H. sapiens has put intense selective pressure on both species.

当前分析共进化残基的方法主要有基于相关系数的方法、基于微扰理论的方法、参数检验法等。Nowadays, protein coevolution analysis is mainly based on coefficient correlation methods, perturbation methods and parameter test.

我们会看到,在本文中所描述的模型驱动系统开发方法可以帮助促进过程改进。As we will see, the model-driven systems development approach described in this article can help facilitate the coevolution process.

对于“伪神们”[8]来说,从共同进化中获得的最有用的教训就是,在共同进化的世界里,控制和保密只能帮倒忙。Perhaps the most useful lesson of coevolution for "wannabe" gods is that in coevolutionary worlds control and secrecy are counterproductive.

科学家们正在将适应、归纳、思维推理、进化、共同进化等元素成分编目造册,编成一个生命的元素周期表。Scientists are cataloguing the elemental components for adaptation, induction, intelligence, evolution, and coevolution into a periodic table of life.

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正是它们在与宿主的数百万年的共同进化过程中不断的实验和失败带来的敏锐性,可以被研究者用来设计新型的疗法。It is this acuity, acquired by trial and error over millions of years of coevolution with their hosts, that researchers are tapping to design novel therapies.

自组织是通过基因积木的有效组合形成内部模型和生物共同进化来实现的。Living creatures accomplish self-organization by mutually effective combination of genetic building blocks which form internal model and by their coevolution.

同时针对动态图,在协同进化遗传布局算法的基础上将现实中的“前进队伍插队”应用到动态稳定性布局算法中达到动态稳定性效果。As for dynamic layout, applying "Jump the moving queue" in layout algorithm for dynamic graph based on Coevolution Genetic Algorithm is aimed to maintain its stability.