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总统的逝世引起出乎意料的反响。The president's death had unexpected repercussion.

这大概是计算的最大影响。This is probably the biggest repercussion of the calculation.

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该报告已经在公众中引起了强烈的反响。This report has evoked a strong repercussion among the public.

服务推出后收到了非常好的市场反响。After being put out , service has received very good market repercussion.

此外,在最高法院进行审判的案子必须有“社会上的一般反响”,如果没有,那么在低一级法院的审判则将作为最后的审判。To be heard by the tribunal a case must now have “general repercussion in society”.

中国成功地爆炸了第一颗原子弹,在全世界引起了巨大的反响。China succeeded in exploding its first atom bomb which provoked great repercussion around the globe.

正如它所验证的那样,这通常是出于对方反击的恐惧使得我们对我们的人类同胞百般折磨。As it turns out, it's usually fear of repercussion that keeps us from torturing our fellow human beings.

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中国成功地了第一颗原子弹,在全世界引起了巨大的反响。China's successful explosion of its first atom bomb caused tremendous repercussion throughout the world.

中国成功地爆炸了第一颗原子弹,在全世界引起了巨大的反响。China’s successful explosion of its first atomic bomb caused tremendous repercussion throughout the world.

自19世纪末以来,中国古老的“线的艺术”在西方引起强烈反响。Since the late 19th century, the ancient Chinese "art of line" has evoked strong repercussion in the West.

学习型组织理论在世界范围内,尤其是企业界,引起了强烈反响。The learning type organization theory has evoked intense repercussion all over the world especially in business circles.

热点话题的群体讨论经常激起阵阵波澜,在高校和社会上引起强烈的反响。Discussions on hot issues always produce waves of debates and strong repercussion in the universities or even the society.

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计算机已从单纯的军事用途进入公众的数据处理领域,真正引起了社会的强烈反响。Computer has entered the public data processing areas from the pure military purpose, and caused society's strong repercussion truly.

而对于那些不愿冒险承担那些由合法离婚而带来的后果的夫妇,一纸假的离婚证明往往是他们一项非常不错的选择。For those not wanting to risk the repercussion on their marriage of getting a legal divorce, a fake divorce certificate is always an option.

自己从没向怙恃说起过这个话题,但自己的确对自己地某个小同伴高谈阔论过,自己还依稀记得他怙恃地不满反响。I said nothing of this to my parents, but I did harangue one or another of my little friends, and I vaguely remember a parental repercussion.

他们就像诗人一样有着细致入微的观察力,但是,有时候这种一丝不苟的作风可能导致对有些稍大细节的忽视。Like poets, Virgos have a keen eye for every minute detail, however, their meticulousness may have negligence of larger details, as a possible repercussion.

旨在构建一个顶级品牌形象,向大众媒体及业内人士展示西班牙优质的葡萄酒和顶尖的酒庄,引起反响。Its main goal is to develop a prestigious brand, showing the enormous quality of our wines and wineries with the maximum media, and commercial, repercussion.

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结论芒硝冰袋的降温、止痛、消肿效果优于普通清水冰袋,可广泛应用于创伤肿痛患者。Conclusions The effect of cold compress of mirabilite ice pack on cooling and repercussion is better than ice pack, it could be used in the clinic extensively.

目前,力拓集团单方面举动不仅令其中方合作伙伴非常失望,在中国业界和民众中也引起了较大反响。Now, the unilateral move by Rio Tinto not only greatly disappointed its Chinese partner, but also drew huge repercussion among the Chinese industry and people.

测验了混凝土块的强度,在超声与回弹的基础上,进行全回归,建立了其计算公式。Based on the measurement of the strength and ultrasonic and repercussion of the concrete block the calculation equation for the complete regression is established.