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我会带你们去钓淡水鱼。I’ll show you some freshwater fishing!

淡水贝壳,贝雕,福娃。Freshwater shells, shell carving, Fuwa.

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这个淡水湖里有许多种鱼。There are many fish in this freshwater lake.

类似于斜齿鳊的欧洲淡水鱼。European freshwater fish resembling the roach.

淡水农业和海水养殖的“蓝色革命”正在以指数方式增长。The 'blue revolution' of freshwater aquaculture

日本淡水渓蟹栖息在山溪中。Japanese Freshwater Crab lives in mountain stream.

鲎虫生活在季节性活水池塘中。Tadpole shrimp live in seasonal, freshwater ponds.

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淡化海水,扩大淡水来源。Desalinated sea water to expand freshwater sources.

如鱼腥藻,一种淡水藻类,就是这样。Anabaena, a freshwater bacteria, is a case in point.

以色列的加利利海,是淡水湖。The Sea of Galilee, in Israel, is a freshwater lake.

背部呈绿色的欧洲淡水食用鱼。European freshwater food fish having a greenish back.

淡水养鱼大有可为。There are bright prospects for freshwater fish farming.

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在中国,草鱼是常见的河鱼。Grass carp is a common kind of freshwater fish in China.

洛蒙德湖这个内陆淡水湖是英国最大的湖泊。Inland, freshwater Loch Lomond is Britain' largest lake.

淡水贝壳,贝雕,福娃。欢迎订货!Freshwater shells, shell carving, Fuwa. Welcome to order!

定鞭藻类通常存在于海洋和淡水浮游生物中。Haptomonads are common in marine plankton and freshwater.

鳄鱼在淡水泥沼和泥灰土草地茁壮成长。Alligators thrive in freshwater sloughs and marl prairies.

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描述了淡水沉积物毒性的生物测试方法。The bioassay of freshwater sediment toxicity is described.

鳗鲡属淡水鳗鱼是古鱼类。Freshwater eels, of the genus Anguilla, are ancient fishes.

小型淡水甲壳动物,长有盾牌状甲壳。Small freshwater crustaceans with a shield-shaped carapace.