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Cote本周在佛罗里达的一次会议上说到.Cote said at a conference in Florida this week.

古德补充道,路线图也应该是公开的。Coté adds that roadmaps should be publicly available.

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这是科特迪瓦永远也不会改变的坚定立场。That is a firm stance Cote d'Ivoire will never change.

科特迪瓦坚定地支持中国的统一大业。Cote d'Ivoire staunchly supports China's reunification cause.

这也是科特迪瓦自2000年以来首次有野生3型脊灰病毒记录。They are the first WPV3 recorded in Côte d'Ivoire since 2000.

一年前,科特迪瓦人民准备进行一次具有里程碑意义的选举。One year ago, the people of Côte D’Ivoire approached a landmark election.

此外,还有一些人在苏丹、科特迪瓦、利比里亚和东帝汶献出了生命。Others lost their lives in Sudan, Côte d'Ivoire, Liberia and Timor-Leste.

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波恩山坡的红酒以它的丰富的果香和浓郁的酒香闻名。Red Côte de Beaune are noticeable for their aroma and their warm bouquet.

西尔万科特迪瓦是人工的艺术思维及技术总监运动。Sylvain Côté is Artistic Technical Director at Artificial Mind & Movement.

巴博感谢中国长期以来给予科特迪瓦的无私援助。Gbagbo thanked China for its long-term selfless assistance to Cote d'Ivoire.

插图由插苏珊·叶林,埃琳娜·库兹涅佐娃和罗宾·科特制作的海报上截取。Illustration from a poster by Susanne Yelin, Elena Kuznetsova, and Robin Côté.

该致命病例为1名4岁男孩,来自科特迪瓦布纳行政区。The fatal case, a boy of 4 years old, came from Bouna region in Côte d'Ivoire.

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该病例是在对科特迪瓦的疫情进行跨境调查时发现的。The case was detected by cross-border investigation of the outbreak in Côte d'Ivoire.

本厂专业制作各类宠物项圈、牵引带、宠物窝,产品主要销往欧美国家。Our factory professionally produces pet chaplet, pet traction belt, pet cote and so on.

波恩山坡的白酒是草黄色,强烈的,浓厚润滑,非常干。The white wines of Côte de Beaune are straw-yellow, robust, thick and smooth, very dry.

他在美国新罕布什尔州度假。And he holidays in New Hampshire. Not the Côte d'Azur, not the Dordogne but New Hampshire.

路易山坡的红酒非常超值,果味浓郁,但是必须在5年内饮用。Côte de Nuits Villages are great value red wines, very fruity and should be drunk before 5 years.

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迄今为止,禽流感病毒仍然在尼日利亚和埃及传播,科特迪瓦仍然有爆发禽流感的报道。To date, the virus still circulates in Nigeria and Egypt, and Cote d’Ivoire still reports outbreaks.

田口博士创立的稳健参数设计是质量工程学的理论核心。Robust parameter design, proposed by Taguchi Doctor, is the cote theory foundation of quality engineering.

由于科特迪瓦目前的安全和政治局势,三月底的补充免疫活动未能在科特迪瓦开展。In Côte d'Ivoire, the end-March SIA did not take place due to the current security and political situation.