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总督也带着夫人去啦。And the viceroy was there with his lady.

理性,你让它统领我,它应该保护我。Reason, your viceroy in me, me should Defend.

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统领我的理智,本当将我卫护。Reason, your viceroy in me, me should defend.

他重新担任奥德朗第一主席和总督。He reclaimed his title as Viceroy and First Chairman of Alderaan.

艾默里先生于同日将此意电告总督。Mr Amery telegraphed in this sense to the Viceroy on the same day.

小女孩儿莱娅被奥德朗的贝尔·奥加纳总督带走。The young girl, Leia, was taken to Viceroy Bail Organa of Alderaan.

这也是东北三个省所在地的中国总督的。It was also the seat of the Chinese viceroy of the three Manchurian provinces.

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在英国统治印度时期,英国国王的代表是驻在当地的总督。When Britain ruled India, the British King was represented there by a viceroy.

可怜的马拉基,他想要的仅仅是一包总督牌香烟,广告商却把它描绘成有头脑的人抽的香烟。" poor malarky. he only wanted a package of viceroy as the "thinking man's cigarette.

在修道院期间,她仍继续为公爵写诗,她还得到了一间大大的图书馆。During her time there, she continued to write for the viceroy and acquired a large library.

瑟鲍思的代表团宣布奥加纳家族是总督头衔的合法继承人。C'baoth's delegation decreed that the Organa bloodline was the rightful heir to the viceroy title.

作为泰拉纳斯的打手,贸易联盟总督纽特·冈雷找到詹戈。While serving as Tyranus' enforcer, Jango was approached by Viceroy Nute Gunray of the Trade Federation.

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顺天府由中央直辖,与直隶总督并无统属关系。Shuntian Prefecture was subordinated by central authority and had no relationship of command with Zhili viceroy.

它可能是由门多萨总督安东尼奥在1616年委托编著的,欲送往西班牙供国王阅读。It was most likely commissioned by the Viceroy Antonio de Mendoza in 1616, and was sent to Spain for the king's perusal.

它可能是由门多萨总督安东尼奥在1616年委托编著的,欲送往西班牙供国王阅读。It was most likely commissioned by the Viceroy Antonio de Mendoza in 1616, and was sent to Spain for the king’s perusal.

在西班牙的总督体系中,一套官僚制度运作了500年之多,每一个总督直接向国王汇报。In the Spanish viceroy system, a bureaucracy that lasted more than 500 years, each viceroy reported directly to the king.

就在奥加纳继任总督职位前,关于他是否有合适继承权的问题曾引发了一场争论。For a brief time before Organa inherited the Viceroy title, there was a dispute regarding the appropriate lineage of ascendancy.

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城里有人发现了白月骑士,马上报告了总督,说白月骑士正在同唐吉诃德说话。The Knight of the White Moon had been seen from the city, and it was told the viceroy how he was in conversation with Don Quixote.

议员贝尔·奥加纳是奥德朗星球的第一主席和总督,克隆人战争的英雄,也是奥德朗王室的首脑。Senator Bail Organa was the First Chairman and Viceroy of Alderaan, a hero of the Clone Wars, and the head of the Royal Family of Alderaan.

达斯坎联盟的总督尼尔·斯帕尔大使宣称这一事件是新共和国的进攻行为,开始备战。Ambassador Nil Spaar, viceroy of the Duskhan League, declared the incident an act of aggression by the New Republic and prepared to go to war.