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多数专家都认为孩童时期是接受第二语言的最佳时期。Most experts agree that babyhood is the best time to learn a second language.

许多在婴儿期行之有效的方法,此时却成为发展的障碍。The effective management methods used in"babyhood"is now becoming barriers of developing.

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从独立战争到内战这个时期是美国的婴儿期。The period from the War of Independence to the Civil War is the babyhood of the United States.

研究人员对婴儿期和学步的时期特别感兴趣。The researchers were particularly interested in what happened between babyhood and toddlerhood.

壁炉台上放着他们的女儿从婴孩期成长到青春期的一系列照片。A series of photographs on their mantel piece show their daughter's progression from babyhood to adolescence.

可靠性理论的研究,是从本世纪三十年代末期,随着民用航空的发展而开始的。At the present time, the study of ship reliability is still in its babyhood . There is no mature experience to follow.

比如婴儿时期是粉红色的,到了儿童时期变成橘黄色,然后再变成其他的色彩。For instance, the babyhood showed by pink, then, in childhood, it becomes orange, and becomes other colors in the next.

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我会把我的脸蛋轻轻地靠在枕头舒适的脸蛋上,犹如婴儿时期的脸蛋那般圆润,光滑。I would lay my cheeks gently against the comfortable cheeks of my pillow, as plump and blooming as the cheeks of babyhood.

茅盾一贯主张现实主义文学思想,但他的现实主义文学思想,有个从幼稚到成熟的演进过程。Mao Dun had claimed the ideology of realistic literature persistently. But his ideology was evolved from babyhood matureness basically.

他的新养父母,史密斯,是爱,善良,他一直与他最小的弟弟,其中史密斯自婴孩提出团聚。His new foster parents, the Smiths, are loving and kind, and he has been reunited with his youngest brother, whom the Smiths have raised since babyhood.

心理学家认为科学,作为一项工作---对探索的渴望,对解释的渴望,对理解我们世界的渴望---不过是一个来源于我们的婴儿时期罢了。Psychologists have suggested that science as an effort ---the desire to explore, explain, and understand our world---is simply something that comes from our babyhood.

目的探讨早期感觉统合训练对正常儿童和有高危因素儿童心理发育的影响作用。Objective To probe into the effects of sensory integration training during babyhood on the psychological development of both the normal children and children with high-risk factors.

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STUDIO可调式的推车肩带可以方便的挂在任何推车的扶手处。同时包包也可以作为优雅的手提包,让您度过一个美好的宝宝喂养时期。STUDIO's adjustable stroller straps attach neatly and conveniently to the handlebars of any stroller. Unclip, and STUDIO converts back into a tote that will look chic well past babyhood.

结论早期感觉统合训练对儿童智能发育有明显的促进作用,对不良行为具有防治作用。Conclusion Babyhood sensory integration training has been proved to have an active effect on children's intellectual development and it will help to prevent and cure bad or unhealthy behaviors.