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这样贫乏的定义甚至比货币主义者们的描述更值得怀疑。This impoverishing definition is even easier to discredit than the monetarist description.

在他擅长的货币主义模型中,货币增长超过一个预设点就是通胀。In the monetarist model that he practiced, money growth beyond a pre-set point was inflation.

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他会坚持要求其他国家以牺牲本国的就业和增长来换取货币和财政的传统政策吗?Would he insist that other countries sacrifice jobs and growth to a monetarist and fiscal orthodoxy?

作为货币学派的领军人物,米尔顿·弗里德曼坚信在浮动汇率制里可以更容易地进行经济调整。Milton Friedman, a monetarist economist, argued that adjustments were easier in a floating-rate system.

根据你们信奉的货币主义原理,难道哈定不应该通过扩大货币供应来应对衰退吗?According to your Monetarist rule-book, shouldn't Harding have expanded the money supply to fight the depression?

这位伟大的货币主义者是一个评委组的成员,负责评估一位博士生关于预测美国经济增长率的陈述。The great monetarist was part of a panel evaluating a PhD presentation on forecasting growth rates for the U.S. economy.

二十世纪的宏观经济理论凯恩斯主义和货币主义都倡导经济增长需要宽松的信贷这一理念。Twentieth-century macroeconomic theory — both Keynesian and monetarist — championed the idea that a growing economy needs easy credit.

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但在如何解释货币数量和央行政策越来越不像一个货币主义者所为这个问题上,央行的利率制定者们已经出现了争执。But its rate- setters are at odds about how to interpret the monetary figures and the ECB's general approach has been far from monetarist.

美联储是由国会授权保持通货膨胀可控的部门,但这个机构对于通胀的定义甚至比货币主义者更加空洞。The Federal Reserve is empowered by Congress to keep inflation in check, but its definition is even more wanting than the monetarist view.

另一方面,英国银行称其购买政府和私人负债的行为为“定量宽松”并且在货币主义者中叙述这个政策。The Bank of England, on the other hand, calls its purchases of government and private debt "quantitative easing" and explains it in monetarist terms.

不,政府和央行里的凯恩斯主义者和货币主义者,已经准备对本已脆弱的经济,发动致命一击。No, the Keynesian and monetarist wizards in the government and Federal Reserve have unleashed a string of deadly blows to the already weakened economy.

结果,萧条无限延长,经济无法恢复并停止对一切刺激做出反应,不管是货币主义的信用扩张还是凯恩斯主义方法。As a result, the recession is prolonged indefinitely and the economy does not recover and ceases to respond to any stimulus involving monetarist credit expansions or Keynesian methods.

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二战后美国采纳了凯恩斯理论来管理国这经济,再次强调政府于预。但美国经济还是出现连年的经济滞胀,于是,在。But the American economy was still plagued by stagflation. In the early 1980s, under the Reagan Administration, the traditional Keynesian theory was replaced by new monetarist policies.

与现代货币主义学派的公平效率观基本相同,但它是以理性预期理论为基础,通过否定凯恩斯主义的公平效率观而建立起来的。Although this school of thought shares some similarities with the modern monetarist school it is based on the theory of rational anticipation through the negation of Keynes' equalitarian efficiency.