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你们有才华。You're so talented.

我可是个很不错的护士哦。I’m a very talented nurse.

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曼蒂像肯一样有才能。Mandy is as talented as Ken.

她是个才华洋溢的设计师。She is a talented designers.

但我也是个才气横溢的爱发愁的人。I am a talented worrier, too.

她真是才女啊!She is such a talented person.

他是一个天才年轻球员。He's a talented young footballer.

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一群才情横溢的天才。A group of most talented geniuses.

良好的人才培训机制。Nice talented person grooms mechanism.

她是才华横溢的钢琴家。She is a prodigiously talented pianist.

尽管他才华出众,可就是不努力学习。Talented as he is, he doesn't work hard.

所以说图瓦人也是音乐高手。So the Daurs are also talented musicians.

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莫札特有一个才华洋溢的音乐家父亲。Mozart had a talented musician for a father.

奇怪的是,比弗同时也是一名天才销售。Oddly, Mr Biver is also a talented salesman.

或少见的款式,特出的器型共同学习。Or rare style, talented ware learn together.

天才的艺术家,朕很欣慰。What a talented artist, I feel so gratified.

我虽然说不上英俊潇洒,一表人才。Although I can not tell handsome, a talented.

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杭外拥有优秀的老师和学生。HFLS has very talented teachers and students.

阿信,不但拥有帅气的外表,而且才华横溢。A Xin is not only handsome, but also talented.

他是一个很有天份的作家,浑身闪烁着智慧的光芒。He's a talented writer with a razor-sharp wit.